Understand your process
Determine thermodynamic data quickly and precisely under isothermal or non-isothermal conditions
Heat Flow Calorimetry - Simply Reliable
Immune and robust against external influence, heat flow calorimetry accurately and precisely measures the evolution of heat under process conditions
Measuring the true heat of reaction
Measuring the "Complete" heat of reaction is the basis to understanding the progress of chemical reactions, their kinetics and hazard potential
Material No.: 304057991
The safe and extremely powerful RC1mx thermostat can effectively cope with fast and strong exothermic events. It explores unknown process conditions without exposing operators or labs to any danger.
The SmartConnect Technology allows the integration of third-party sensors as well as third-party actors (such as dosing pumps) in a plug-and-play fashion thanks to adjustment and configuration data stored on a chip in the sensor/actor cable plug.
The complete system consists of the RC1mx (30405799) and HFCal option (30400340). The RC1mx HFCal option enables quick, precise and complete determination of thermodynamic information under all process conditions.
Temperature Range | -70 °C – 300 °C |
Precision Heat Transfer | Typically <± 1.5 % |
Accuracy and Precision Specific Heat | Typically <± 5 to 8% |
Accuracy Heat Flow | Based on comparison of qr_hf with qc resp. ∫qr_hf with ∫ qc Isothermal conditions: ± 1 % to 2 % Non-isothermal conditions: ± 3 % to 8 % |
Calorimetry Type | Heat Flow |
Material | RC1mx (30405799) and HFCal Option (30400340) |
RC1mx and HFCal