Some companies buy a weighbridge so that they can check axle weights. However, not all of the available scale designs can meet legal-for-trade requirements. If you need a legal-for-trade scale, but also want to get individual axle weights, METTLER TOLEDO can help you. It is important to understand the differences in the capabilities of different scale designs.

When an accurate weight is required for trade purposes,
the entire truck needs to be on the scale.
the entire truck needs to be on the scale.
Axle Scales
Axle scales weigh one axle or axle group at a time, when the rest of the truck is not on the scale. It is important to know that in this situation, the weights from each individual axle group will not always sum up to the total weight of the vehicle. Although some companies attempt to estimate the total vehicle weight in this way, many variables make this an unreliable calculation. For this reason, axle scales cannot provide legal-for-trade weights.

Truck scales designed to provide individual axle weights only
cannot be used in legal-for-trade applications.
cannot be used in legal-for-trade applications.
Multi-axle Weighbridge
If you need a legal-for-trade scale, but also want separate weight values for each axle, then the right solution is a modular multi-axle weighbridge. These weighbridges ensure that the entire truck is on a section of the scale, even though the scale may be divided into 2 or more sections. A METTLER TOLEDO multi-axle modular weighbridge provides accurate individual axle weights and total weight information in a single weighing. Many organizations enjoy the versatility of these units, and request these designs for their future requirements because of their flexibility.

A modular multi-axle weighbridge provides a legal-for-trade solution
which also provides axle weights, all in a single weighing
which also provides axle weights, all in a single weighing
METTLER TOLEDO is ready to assist with selection, installation, and service of the right vehicle scale design for your operation.