SWC515 / SWC515-A PinMount™ Weigh Module Downloads Page


SWC515-A PinMount™ Weigh Module Downloads 






For product certificates, hazardous approvals, Declaration of Conformity including RoHS statement see the Product Compliance page

Product Compliance Document System 

CAD Drawings

Tank scale calibration

Preferred calibration method in the 1 – 32 ton (2.2 – 70.4 klb) range: RapidCal


SWC515 PinMount™ Weigh Module Downloads (100t - 300t)




For product certificates, hazardous approvals, Declaration of Conformity including RoHS statement see the Product Compliance page

Product Compliance Document System 


Tank scale calibration

Preferred calibration method in the 1 – 32 ton (2.2 – 70.4 klb) range: RapidCal




Load Cells for SWC515 / SWC515-A TM PinMount Weigh Module + Certificates

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