cSmartCal12 (certified version)

Moisture Analyzer Test Substance.Certified test substance to verify the performance of your moisture analyzer in a simple 10-minute test. Pack of 12 cSmartCal sachets.

Quick and Easy Performance Test

SmartCal verifies the performance of your moisture analyzer in a 10-minute test which is carried out in the same easy way as a regular measurement.

Documented Instrument Performance

Regular testing with SmartCal provides documented evidence of your instrument's performance over time. Incorrect performance is immediately indicated.

Certified for Regulated Industries

cSmartCal is certified by an independent institute and includes a certificate of analysis that satisfies regulatory requirements.

رقم المادة: 30005793

طلب أسعار
المواصفات - cSmartCal12 (certified version)
Test Temperatures
70 °C
100 °C
130 °C
160 °C
Consumable Type
Certificate of Analysis
Accessory Category
Moisture Analyzers
Suitable for

Moisture Results You Can Trust

The SmartCal test instantly indicates adverse influences from the heating or weighing units. If the test is passed, you can trust your results.


معلومات المنتج

البحث عن شهادة SmartCal™‎
تعد SmartCal طريقة سريعة للتحقق من سلامة تشغيل أدوات تحليل الرطوبة الهالوجينية من شركة METTLER TOLEDO. أدخل رقم اللوط للعثور على الشهادات.


دليل مستخدم SmartCal - مادة اختبار أداة تحليل الرطوبة
يشرح دليل مستخدم SmartCal بالتفصيل كيفية استخدام مادة اختبار SmartCal للاختبار المنتظم لأداء أداة تحليل الرطوبة.
SmartCal measurement report - Windows
This measurement report offers you a comprehensive and safe way to store and track your SmartCal test results.
SmartCal Measurement Report - Windows XP
This measurement report offers you a comprehensive and safe way to store and track your SmartCal test results.
Guide: 5 Steps to Easy SmartCal Reporting
This brief guide explains how to store and track your performance test results in 5 easy steps using the SmartCal Measurement Report.


SOP for Periodic SmartCal Tests
This SOP describes in detail the testing procedure for testing the performance of a moisture analyzer with SmartCal.
Test Procedure for Moisture Analyzer Sensitivity Testing
This SOP describes in detail the testing procedure for testing the sensitivity of the weighing unit of a moisture analyzer.
SOP for Periodic Temperature Calibration
This SOP describes in detail the testing procedure for testing the heating unit of a moisture analyzer with a temperature kit.

Applications & Know-How

A Fast Routine Test Ensures Trusted Moisture Results
This white paper describes the benefits of a fast and convenient interim performance test using SmartCal™ - an ideal test substance for moisture analy...
الاختبار الروتيني لأداة تحليل الرطوبة
يوضح هذا المستند التعريفي التمهيدي التأثيرات على تحليلات الرطوبة ويناقش الاختبارات الروتينية لضمان التشغيل الصحيح للجهاز.


المواد الاستهلاكية


الحصول على عرض الأسعار
cSmartCal12 (certified version)