SST Checkweigher - منتج متوقف

The SST is a suspended scale transport system designed to cantilever over existing conveyors.  The unique, patented design to package control is an alternative to conventional 2 to 3 belt checkweighers which require breaking conveyor lines or conveying product on and off the checkweigher using side transports at the infeed and outfeed of the checkweigher system.

The checkweigher uses a suspended side grip transport design to positively grip the container, gently raise, weigh, and then return it to the existing conveyor, while maintaining proper line spacing. There are no dead plates or infeed/discharge transfer points to interfere with smooth product flow.  Depending on product characteristics and environmental conditions, line speeds of 350 packages per minute are easily attained.

Discontinued since: Mar, 2016

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الوثائق - SST Checkweigher


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