5000TOCi TOC Analyzer - منتج متوقف

Continuous TOC Measurement

The 5000TOCi sensor is a user-friendly and economical analyzer for on-line measurement of total organic carbon. 5000TOCi uses proven ultraviolet (UV) oxidation with differential conductivity to effectively determine TOC concentrations.

On-line, Continuous Measurement
Fast, continuous TOC monitoring ensures rapid detection of even brief upsets to demonstrate compliance with water quality requirements in real-time.

Compliance with Global Pharmacopeias
Meets the requirements of all major global pharmacopeias for TOC instrumentation, including USP, EP, JP, ChP, and IP.

Trace Sensitivity
"Detection of TOC concentrations from ppm to sub-ppb range enables comprehensive trending to diagnose issues that can affect water system performance."

5000TOCi TOC Analyzer

Discontinued since: Jun, 2019

طلب أسعار

حل محله: TOC Sensor 6000i

Real-time Total Organic Carbon Control

Real-time Total Organic Carbon Control.The 6000TOCi online sensor delivers true continuous measurement for the detection of organic contamination. With an extremely rapid response to TOC changes, the 6000TOCi is ideal for all pure water applications where rapid detection of TOC changes is critical.

Real-Time Transparency of TOC Levels

Achieve clear control of your water system with the fastest response time available and measurement updates every second for continuous TOC analysis.

Conclusive Data to Support Compliance

The 6000TOCi uses proven UV oxidation technology and highly accurate conductivity sensors to deliver consistent and accurate determination of organic material.

Verifiable System Performance

Using advanced sensor diagnostics, the 6000TOCi gives you the insight needed to ensure your TOC system is always measuring effectively.

الوثائق - 5000TOCi TOC Analyzer


تحليلات المعالجة
‏مسابير درجة الحموضة، مسبار جهد اختزال، أجهزة استشعار أكسجين، ثاني أكسيد كربون، أوزون، أجهزة تحليل العبء البيولوجي، إجمالي الكربون العضوي، الغاز، الصو...
Organic Contamination White Paper
This white paper highlights the effects of organics and explains typical TOC measurement in cogeneration. It explains how TOC monitoring ensures effec...
TOC Analysis in Semiconductor UPW
This application note details the importance of accurate, continuous TOC measurement in UPW systems for the semiconductor industry. Microelectronics m...

أوراق البيانات

Data Sheet for 5000TOCi Sensors
The 5000TOCi Total Organic Carbon Sensor with ISM from METTLER TOLEDO Thornton delivers the power of an analyzer with the convenience of a sensor.

الملحقات - 5000TOCi TOC Analyzer

Services - 5000TOCi TOC Analyzer

المواصفات- 5000TOCi TOC Analyzer

المواصفات - 5000TOCi TOC Analyzer
Measurement range 0.05 - 2000 ppbC (µgC/L)
Repeatability ± 0.05 ppb C < 5 ppb, ± 1.0% > 5 ppb
Resolution 0.001 ppbC (µgC/L)
Analysis Time Continuous
Initial Response Time < 60 seconds
Limit of Detection 0.025 ppbC
Cond. accuracy ±2%,0.02-20 μS/cm ±3%, 20-100 μS/cm
Cell Constant Accuracy ± 2%
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD, Class A
Temperature accuracy ± 0.25°C
Case Dimensions 11” [280mm] W x 7.4” [188mm] H x 5.25” [133mm] D
Enclosure Material "Polycarbonate plastic, flame retardant, UV and chemical resistant UL # E75645, Vol.1, Set 2, CSA #LR 49336"