
DG101-SC - منتج متوقف

Discontinued since: Jan, 2007

Combined micro glass pH electrode

طلب أسعار

حل محله: pH Sensor Micro DGi101-SC

Micro sensor for macro demands

Micro sensor for macro demands.The DGi101-SC is a powerful micro pH sensor with a 3 mm shaft especially made for small sample volumes of 5 to 20 mL. For use on InMotion Autosamplers with 80 mL or 25 mL beakers.

No More Clogging

The ARGENTHAL™ reference system with silver ion trap means there is no possibility of diaphragm clogging.

Up to Date Anywhere, Anytime

Data stored in the sensor chip ensures its correct condition for the chosen application, regardless of which titrator it is connected to.

Mobility Means Flexibility

The movable sleeve holder enables individual positioning of the sensor in any of the automatic or manual titration vessels.

Features and Benefits
  • Ceramic frit junction
  • Movable sleeve adapter for position adjustment
  • ARGENTHALTM reference system for increased life span and heat resistance, which requires only an AgCl-free 3 mol/L KCl electrolyte
  • Silver ion trap to ensure that the electrolyte is absolutely free from silver ions. This prevents contamination of the sleeve junction by silver sulfide
  • Refillable reference electrolyte (Standard 3 mol/L KCl)
  • 25 mL of reference electrolyte (3 mol/L KCl) included in standard delivery
  • S7 screw cap
  • Detachable cable
  • Individual quality certificate
  • Unique serial number