DSC Ceramic Sensor MultiSTAR HSS7 - منتج متوقف

The MultiSTA R® HSS7 sensor features multi-layer
thermocouple technology allowing 120 thermocouples
to be arranged on top of one another in several layers. This results in incredible sensitivity, a noise level in the sub-microwatt range, but at the same time good resolution. The HSS7 sensor is the sensor recommended for measuring the very weakest effects in the μW range.

Discontinued since: Dec, 2010

طلب أسعار

حل محله: Ceramic Sensor HSS 8+ (DSC 1/3)

Outstanding sensitivity

The High Sensitivity HSS 8+ Sensor measures very weak thermal effects and microgram sample amounts, even at low heating rates.

Outstanding robustness

The chemically resistant ceramic-coated surface ensures a long lifetime and constant performance.

120 thermocouples in series

The unique star-shaped arrangement of the 120 Au/AuPd thermocouples guarantees a large signal output and flat baselines.

الوثائق - DSC Ceramic Sensor MultiSTAR HSS7


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الملحقات - DSC Ceramic Sensor MultiSTAR HSS7

المواصفات- DSC Ceramic Sensor MultiSTAR HSS7

المواصفات - DSC Ceramic Sensor MultiSTAR HSS7
رقم/أرقام المواد 51141656
الاسم التجاري DSC