المستند التقني

OSHA & NFPA Compliant

المستند التقني

Between March 11, 2008 and June 17, 2009, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) identified 3 662 violations during inspections at a wide variety of workplaces randomly cho­sen throughout the US.

The most fre­quently cited violations included: house­keeping, hazard communication, per­sonal protective equipment, and electrical and general duty clauses. In the United States alone, 30 000 factories have been identified by the OSHA as po­tentially at risk of a dust explosion. Outside the USA as well, local authorities are also meticulous in enforcing regula­tions without exceptions.

  • Would your plant pass an inspection by your local authorities?
  • How do you know your plant complies with the regulations?

Don't wait until your facility receives a surprise visit from local authorities or worse yet, for a catastrophic incident to occur. Take the proactive approach to addressing the "hazardous area advisory level" in your facility. 

هذه الصفحة لا تُعرض بالشكل الأمثل لمتصفح الويب الخاص بك. خُذ بعين الإعتبار استخدام متصفح مختلف أو قم بترقية متصفحك إلى أحدث إصدار لضمان أفضل تجربة.