
Seamless TA Weigh-Ins – Part 2: Performing STAReX Sample Weigh-Ins


STAReX Permits Electronic Transfer of Weight Data from Any LabX-Connected Balance to STARe Software

STAReX™– Simple weigh-in procedure

STAReX™ connectivity permits weighing results to be transferred electronically from any METTLER TOLEDO balance interfaced with LabX balance software.

STAReX permits weighing results to be transferred electronically from a METTLER TOLEDO balance to STARe thermal analysis (TA) software for seamless and compliant thermal analysis workflows.

Part 1 of this video series shows you how to interface STARe software directly with METTLER TOLEDO’s LabX balance software.

Part 2 of this video series shows you how to transfer weigh-in results of single and batch samples using STAReX.

Features and benefits

STAReX permits electronic transfer of weighing data, which eliminates transcription errors. In addition, it speeds up the analytical process and facilitates the second person review required by regulated industries.

A fully automated solution for compliant QC

Seamless automated workflows are further supported by STARe's secure database and built-in data integrity functionality with features such as access-control to the application, user-rights for each user-level, audit trails and electronic signatures. Additional software options can be added as needed thanks to the unique modular design of STARe software.