Enable Data-Driven Manufacturing

Connected Weighing Increases Data Visibility and Drives Informed Decision Making

A connected weighing approach increases visibility into your applications, but integrating devices into networks can be costly and time consuming, especially for older models and installations. 

Equipment that provides convenient configuration and data exchange between new and old weighing devices and your chosen Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Cloud Service enables connectivity throughout production, driving optimization of manufacturing processes.

Enhance Data Integrity

ACI400 IIoT Edge Device

The ACI400 connects up to four measuring devices, resulting in reduced costs for IIoT integration. It supports multiple, simultaneous MQTT broker and OPC UA client connections and two-way communication for both standards. The OPC UA server on the ACI400 has all security features activated which are provided by standard. For MQTT it includes clients for Azure, Amazon Web Services, IBM, and a generic MQTT broker to facilitate transmission of customer selectable payloads directly to cloud services. 

MQTT - Message Queuing Telemetry Transport

MQTT is a publish-subscribe messaging protocol designed for remote locations which is easy to implement. The broker for routing also provides data security. The standard offers three different qualities of service to ensure reliable delivery of data. 

OPC UA - Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture

OPC UA  is an interoperability standard providing a data format for communication between devices and applications from multiple vendors. It includes a comprehensive set of data security features, and it is independent of operating system, hardware, or software. 

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