
When Scale Uptime Matters Most

Monday has a reputation for being the most difficult day of the week. Now imagine on top of the usual Monday morning stress, you find out your only truck scale is down. If you could easily avoid this situation, wouldn’t you?


Eliminate downtime
Eliminate downtime
When Scale Uptime Matters Most
Eliminate downtime

When your truck scale is the cash register for your operation, unexpected downtime is not an option. Your customers must have confidence that when they arrive at your facility, your equipment will be functioning properly and weighing accurately.

What if there was a way to know when there was a problem with your scale and fix it long before your customer is affected? InTouchSM Remote Services from METTLER TOLEDO are the solution to reliable and accurate scale performance. Software remotely monitors all of your connected devices, constantly checking the health of your weighing equipment.

If a problem is detected, InTouch comes to the rescue in a number of ways:

Notifications are sent to you or your designated maintenance staff, allowing you to evaluate and diagnose the issue quickly without having to call in a technician.

  • Our service center is alerted and our team of expert technicians investigates the problem and, if possible, resolves it remotely via a safe connection.
  • If the problem cannot be resolved remotely, METTLER TOLEDO dispatches a technician to repair your scale without any effort on your end.

With software that is always watching, issues are diagnosed and repaired quickly, before they can cause serious harm to you or your customer's business. Ensure customer satisfaction through constant uptime with InTouch Remote Services.