
4 Ways to Improve Pallet-Handling Efficiency

While revenue recovery is often the motivation for investment in automatic pallet dimensioning and weighing, increasing efficiency in your dimensioning and pallet-handling process offers additional benefits.


Freight solutions
Freight solutions
4 Ways to Improve Pallet-Handling Efficiency
Freight solutions

Combine dimensioning and weighing

Dimensioners that can measure any pallet and do not disrupt operations will have maximum impact on profitability. Dimensioning and weighing becomes a one-step process when you choose a forklift scale that works seamlessly with your dimensioner.

Use data for profiling and load planning

Having the right data means freight costs can be gauged correctly, operations can be planned and trends analyzed for continuous improvement; these activities help you to increase efficiency over time.

Check for damaged and missing items

Missing and damaged items are a reality in freight transportation. Choose a system equipped with a camera that takes a picture of each pallet you measure. This helps to track freight and identify where and how something went wrong.

4 Ways to Improve Pallet-Handling Efficiency
Freight solutions

Be proactive when it comes to service

A non-functioning system can slow down your operation or bring it to a halt. Proactive testing and preventive maintenance helps to catch potential problems early. Remote service allows your service provider to quickly intervene if required, maximizing your system uptime and operational efficiency.