
Olive Oil Purity Test - UV Vis Spectroscopy

Spectrophotometric Olive Oil Test for Purity

The olive oil purity and degree of oxidation can be verified by using UV Vis spectroscopy. For more information about this application, proceed to download the page.

Why does the purity of olive oil need to be measured?

Olive oil is known for its monounsaturated fat content. Studies show that consuming moderate amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids helps to lower the risk of heart disease. This application note examines the quality of oil and helps to differentiate between extra virgin, virgin and regular olive oil as defined by the International Olive Council (IOC). Quality regulation is important in this industry to assure the customer that they are indeed buying pure olive oil, and not one that has been mixed with lower-grade oils.  

How is the purity of olive oil measured spectrophotometrically?

A range of olive oils, from regular quality to extra virgin are examined in this experiment. The quality test of olive oil can be made by measuring the absorbance between 200 nm and 300 nm, since absorption in this spectral region is due to the presence of conjugated dienes and trienes. A low absorption in this area is a sign of a high-quality extra virgin olive oil, whereas low quality oil shows a greater level of absorptions in these areas.

UV/VIS Spectroscopy is therefore a useful, efficient method of determining olive oil purity and differentiating between different quality samples. You can find more food and beverage applications here.

Olive oil test for purity
Olive oil test for purity