infographic of labx and labware connected systems

​​LabX and LabWare Software Connector​

​​METTLER TOLEDO and LabWare have launched a software connector which integrates LabWare's laborator...


白皮書 – 製藥和生物製藥行業受監管實驗室的數字化轉型

我們的白皮書由前美國藥品檢查員 Peter Baker 和製藥自動化專家 Bob McDowall 合著,探討了為什麼實驗室應該越來越多地實現運營數位化。

Digitalization of pharma and biopharma laboratories

On Demand Webinar – The Importance of Digitalizing Pharma and Biopharma Laboratories

Our webinar with former FDA Drug Inspector, Peter Baker, and pharma industry and automation expert,...

Data Integrity webinar

Webinar: Data Integrity

Watch this webinar to understand data integrity criteria and how to assess lab data management proce...

Power the Bench - An Enhanced Strategy for Data Integrity

Power the Bench - An Enhanced Strategy for Data Integrity

Achieve workflow control, traceability and data automation by integrating bench top instruments and...




LabX 天平軟體
LabX 密度和折光率軟體
LabX 熔點儀軟體