X6 X 射線檢測系列設計用於檢測大中型包裝產品。X6 系列提供了許多工具和功能,可以提高消費者的安全性、提高產品品質和生產力。我們的 ContamPlus™ 軟體與完整性檢查和易於使用的介面相結合,使 X6 系列成為適用於大中型產品的最智慧、最直接的 X 射線檢測解決方案。
X16 X-ray Inspection System
The X16 system is the prime solution for medium-large food, and pharmaceutical products. This innovative x-ray inspection system delivers enhanced product quality and improved product safety.
The X2 and X6 Series of x-ray systems enhance product safety and quality control with superior detection performance for packaged products. 瞭解更多