
EL2-Kit - Education Line pH - 已停產產品

Designed to discover science

Do my water and soil samples meet the requirements to support the survival of people, animals and plants? How does the pH value of skin change after a cream is applied? At which pH value does milk become sour?

Many such questions arise in education – whether in Biology or Chemistry, in Geography or in Food Science. With the METTLER TOLEDO Education Line you can find the answers and perhaps even develop a passion for science.

停產於: Oct, 2015


替換品: FiveGo pH meter F2-Std-Kit


簡化行動實驗室流程.FiveGo 攜帶式 F2 酸鹼值/mV 標準套件




符合人體工學的設計能提供舒適的 FiveGo 操作體驗。折疊架能提供平穩的表面,賦予最佳的檢視體驗。

IP67 防水防塵等級

IP67 防水等級讓 FiveGo 攜帶式主機能夠承受潮濕與高要求的環境。

文件 - EL2-Kit - Education Line pH

配件 - EL2-Kit - Education Line pH

詳細說明- EL2-Kit - Education Line pH

詳細說明 - EL2-Kit - Education Line pH
材料編號 51302921