GUVP – Good UV Vis Practice improves measurement quality by minimizing risks through a 5-step lifecycle program including specific services, accessories and consumables. It provides professional evaluation & selection tools, comprehensive installation & qualification services and tailored training and maintenance programs to ensure correct operation. As each step is thoroughly documented, traceability and up-to-date regulatory compliance are guaranteed.

GUVP™ Lifecycle Services
5 steps to minimize risks

Risk-free measurement of UV Vis
GUVP Risk Check
What is your risk in UV Vis measurement?
Different factors can affect UV Vis tests. Take 5 minutes to answer a few questions to estimate the reliability of your UV Vis results
GUVP™ makes sure that the right equipment is used in a suitable environment by appropriately trained operators. It forms the basis for minimizing risks, eliminating error sources and thus achieving reliable results throughout the complete lifecycle of the instrument.
GUVP will help you to:
- Minimize risks
- Improve quality
- Protect your investment
- Ensure regulatory compliance
- Educate your lab
- 5 Step Program

Step 1 & 2
Evaluation & Selection
Select the right system - DQmate
The GUVP design qualification tool DQmate helps you to define your current and future requirements regarding UV Vis spectroscopy. Based on a thorough analysis of your workflows, our experienced consultants will help you evaluate and select the best suitable UV Vis system including instrument, accessories and PC software.

Step 3
Correct installation - StarterPac
GUVP StarterPac provides an easy and quickly executed solution to document complete shipment and correct installation of the selected UV Vis instrument solution. Aimed at industries that do not require instrument qualification, the GUVP Starter Pack is the ideal choice for your internal quality management system.

Step 3
Installation & Qualification
Complete qualification - EQPac
The GUVP EQPac is a comprehensive installation & fully-documented qualification solution forUV Vis instruments from METTLER TOLEDO. It complies with strictest regulatory requirements concerning installation, operational and performance qualification. EQPac is the tool of choice for regulated environments.

Step 4
Lifelong learning - EduPac
Correctly-trained users make less errors and avoid expensive follow- up costs. Guided by our specialist, the GUVP EduPac training package explains efficient and safe operation through practical exercises. In addition, our application literature, technical publications on selected topics and customer seminars will all help to ensure expertise in the lab.

Step 5
Routine Operation
High performance – Automated Calibration
The CertiRef™ and LinSet™ automated performance verification modules provides an automated USP and Ph. Eur. Pharmacopeia-compliant performance verification based on NIST-traceable, certified reference materials. CertiRef and LinSet are part of our tailored services for traceable regular performance verification including certification, which ensures reliable UV Vis measurements during operation.

Step 5
Routine Operation
Regular service
Keeping your instruments in good working order is an important component of routine operation. With our qualified consumables, onsite Preventive Maintenance and Calibration service your instruments are properly cared for, ensuring reliable and accurate results.
- Spectrophotometry Applications and Fundamentals Guide
- 紫外線可見光校正
- USP and Ph. Eur. - What Every UV-Vis Lab Should Know
- White Paper: Comparison between Array and Scanning UV Vis Spectrophotometers
- White Paper: Automated Performance Verification for Spectrophotometers
- Stray Light and Performance Verification
- 白皮書: 紫外線可見光實驗室應該如何進行光譜儀校正?