Measure moisture content reliably and accurately based on your specific requirements.
Measuring moisture content or dry content accurately and reliably over time can be a challenging task.
The Good Moisture Analysis Practice (GMAP) Recommendation helps you find the right solution based on your specific process requirements. The service is free of charge and takes only a few minutes. Together with our local METTLER TOLEDO consultants, the GMAP Recommendation document provides the expert advice you need before making a purchase decision.
Why You Need It
Good Moisture Analysis Practice principles follow a risk-based fit-for-purpose check from the selection of your moisture analyzer through routine operation. This leads to:

Consistent and Better Product Quality

Increased Financial Gains
Provide improved process efficiency, higher yield and optimized testing for less downtime.

Worry-Free Compliance
Enhance your instrument qualification process with the GMAP information.
Key Factors for Choosing the Right Moisture Analysis Equipment

What are the key questions which need to be answered to find the right moisture analyzer? The main goal of GMAP is to look at moisture analysis from a holistic point of view, over the complete moisture analysis lifecycle.
The GMAP Recommendation considers the following aspects:
- Lowest moisture or dry content to be measured
- Process tolerances and process risks
- Sample characteristics and user-specified start weight
- Environmental and external influences expressed as safety factors
- Data handling and user needs
- Regulatory demands
Your local METTLER TOLEDO representative can help you answer questions about the topics above.
All Summarized in One Complete and Easy to Use Document

GMAP Recommendation provides you with an assurance that the chosen solution is fit for your intended purpose, covering the entire life cycle of the instrument. Your user requirements and recommendations are summarized in one PDF document including information on our:
- Halogen Moisture Analyzer
- Process-related accessories and consumables
- Calibration and maintenance services
- User Training recommendation
- Routine Tests including risk-based frequencies

Reliable Performance over Time
To keep the device in top performance during its lifetime, regular performance testing and maintenance are key! Besides regular calibration, routine testing assures ongoing accuracy and quality of the results. GMAP recommends the following user tests based on your process risks:
- SmartCal™ to test the overall moisture analysis performance in 10 minutes
- Temperature to check the heating unit with a temperature calibration kit
- Sensitivity to check the weighing unit with a calibrated test weight
Learn more about our service offerings!
The GMAP Recommendation helps you find the right moisture analysis equipment based on your specific process tolerances, risks, sample characteristics and additional requirements. In addition, you receive recommendations for calibration and routine testing to ensure consistent performance over the device’s lifetime.
Everyone who wants to determine the moisture content or dry content with a moisture analyzer benefits from a GMAP Recommendation. It is specific to your application and your needs and helps you find and operate the right moisture system. Contact your local METTLER TOLEDO consultant and request a GMAP Recommendation!
The frequency of routine testing depends on your application and the risk. The GMAP Recommendation gives you an overview of the different types of routine tests and their frequency based on your requirements.