



Laboratory Weighing Applications in Food and Beverage
Laboratory Weighing Applications in Food and Beverage



  • 配方開發
  • 水份測定
  • 滴定樣品製備
  • 檢查稱重

使用 METTLER TOLEDO 準確耐用且易於使用的儀器來支援食品品質控制,讓您確信消費者的安全獲得保障,並生產出最佳產品。我們的儀器可以和生產系統或 ERP 或其他第三方資訊管理系統 (LIMS 或 MES) 相互整合,讓您輕鬆進行資料追溯,並分享產品的即時品質資料。

下載此應用說明,以瞭解食品和飲料產業中,一些主要實驗室稱重應用的相關資訊。本應用說明說明了 METTLER TOLEDO 針對食品產業設計的天平,可以如何藉著簡化食物稱重流程和最佳化工作流程,幫助您提供準確的稱重結果。


Emissions Testing

Weight of particulate matter collected on filters for Emissions Testing can be extremely low, therefore the weighing procedure has to be performed very accurately. See why METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Micro-balance, equipped with especially developed accessories for filter weighing, is the best choice for Emissions Testing application.

Emissions Testing

Weight of particulate matter collected on filters for Emissions Testing can be extremely low, therefore the weighing procedure has to be performed very accurately. See why METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Micro-balance, equipped with especially developed accessories for filter weighing, is the best choice for Emissions Testing application.




典型的食物分析方法包括 (但不限於):鈉測定、氯化物測定、水分含量、材料純度測定、密度等。精確的稱重及天平通常是任何成分分析作業的基礎。METTLER TOLEDO 提供高度精確的天平,以及滴定儀水分分析儀其他實驗室儀器,讓您的實驗室例行工作更有效率。 


Emissions Testing

Weight of particulate matter collected on filters for Emissions Testing can be extremely low, therefore the weighing procedure has to be performed very accurately. See why METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Micro-balance, equipped with especially developed accessories for filter weighing, is the best choice for Emissions Testing application.

Emissions Testing

Weight of particulate matter collected on filters for Emissions Testing can be extremely low, therefore the weighing procedure has to be performed very accurately. See why METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Micro-balance, equipped with especially developed accessories for filter weighing, is the best choice for Emissions Testing application.

Emissions Testing

Weight of particulate matter collected on filters for Emissions Testing can be extremely low, therefore the weighing procedure has to be performed very accurately. See why METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Micro-balance, equipped with especially developed accessories for filter weighing, is the best choice for Emissions Testing application.

Emissions Testing

Weight of particulate matter collected on filters for Emissions Testing can be extremely low, therefore the weighing procedure has to be performed very accurately. See why METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Micro-balance, equipped with especially developed accessories for filter weighing, is the best choice for Emissions Testing application.


在食物稱重時使用天平可提供顯著優點,因為它們可靠且準確,有耐久的設計,且易於使用及清潔。  此外,它還能讓您省下時間和心力,達到所需的品質要求,以生產出卓越的產品,提升品牌聲譽。


在食品實驗室中,通常會使用精密天平分析天平。根據您的準確度、能力,以及資料管理及其他需求,選擇正確的型號。如果您不確定在效能要求上要選擇哪種天平,METTLER TOLEDO 可以幫助您透過 GWP® Recommendation 服務的推薦,選擇正確的天平。

METTLER TOLEDO 還爲生產區提供具有更高能力和特殊功能的解決方案,如檢重秤。我們還提供更先進完整的檢重機解決方案,這些方案均可整合至生產線中。

