
How to Archive and Purge Thermal Analysis Data


The Procedure and Key Benefits of Data Purging and Data Archiving in STARe Software

How to Archive STARe Software Data

Yearly data archiving and purging helps to reduce the cost and risk of uncontrolled database growth, thereby minimizing its impact on operations and application performance. This video explains the step by step procedure for how to archive and purge data in METTLER TOLEDO's STARe software.

Thermal analysis data builds up with time, which may negatively impact the performance of your system.

Data archiving and purging with thermal analysis STARe software helps to reduce the cost and risk of uncontrolled database growth, thereby minimizing its impact on operations and application performance. This video explains the simple procedure for archiving and purging data in STARe, while highlighting its key benefits.

Data Archiving

Thermal analysis data that is no longer actively used can be archived for long-term retention. Archived thermal analysis data consists of older data that can be retained for regulatory compliance or any other purpose important for the organization.


Data Purging

STARe software's data purge functionality allows you to free up space by deleting thermal analysis data that is not required in the working database. The purge process can be based on the age of the data or the type of data, e.g. STARe evaluations or statistic templates.


Key Benefits

  • Improved system performance
  • Protection against unwanted data deletion