
EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Videos


Getting Started, How-to Measure, and Easy Maintenance

Watch our videos on how to get started with EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers. Learn how to perform different measurement methods, how to quickly replace the lamp of an Easy VIS spectrophotometer, and much more! 

EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers combine conventional spectrophotometry, color measurements, and water analyses within one compact instrument. The spectrophotometers are designed to facilitate your routine spectroscopic workflows, saving bench space and reducing your investment in equipment and service.

Getting Started

Unboxing Your EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer

It is easy to get started with the new EasyPlus Spectrophotometers by METTLER TOLEDO. Simply:

  • Unpack, 
  • Connect, 
  • Adjust,

and perform your first measurement in less than 5 minutes!




Installing the SQKitReader Accessory For Spectroquant Water Test Kits

Learn how to easily install the SQKit reader accessory for Spectroquant water test kits on your EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer from METTLER TOLEDO.

Simply mount the SQKitReader on the magnetic pogo pins of the EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer and fix it with the included screw. After the initialization, the Spectroquant button appears on the home screen, enabling over 150 water test methods.

Internal Barcode Reader Set SQKitReader

More about Photometric Water Testing Applications






How to Measure

How to Perform Photometric Measurements with EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

In this video, you will learn how to easily perform photometric measurements on your EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer from METTLER TOLEDO.

You can easily configure and save your own methods directly to the instrument. Visual guidance on the terminal walks you through the different measurement steps.



How to Perform Scan Measurements with EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

Take a look at how to easy it is to perform scan measurements on your EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer by METTLER TOLEDO.

With the scan method, a full spectrum absorbance or transmittance can be recorded. Peaks and valleys can be detected automatically by the instrument.  



How to Perform Quantification with EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

Performing quantification measurements on your EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer by METTLER TOLEDO is simple. They can be performed using two different types of result calculations:

  1. By an own formula
  2. Or with a calibration curve, built up by measuring standards

The configuration of both methods is described in detail within this video.



How to Perform Color Measurements with EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

The Easy UV offers 30 predefined color calculations in the UV and visible wavelength range. For applications only measuring in the visible region, the Easy VIS features 25 color numbers.  

In this video, you will learn how to easily perform color measurements on your EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer from METTLER TOLEDO.

Configuring a method is very simple, and each method can be adjusted individually and exported to a USB flash drive. Via the normalization parameter, all measured transmittance values can be automatically recalculated to a 10 mm path length.  



How to Perform Water Testing with EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

In this video, you will learn how to easily perform water testing measurements with Spectroquant™ test kits on your EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometer by METTLER TOLEDO.

In this category, more than 150 predefined methods are available. Scanning the 2D barcode of a test kit with the SQKitReader™ accessory automatically starts the corresponding method.

Learn more about Water Testing Applications for UV/Vis



How to Run NANOCOLOR Water Test Kits on EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

In this video, we explain how you can enable METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers measuring NANOCOLOR® water test kits from Macherey-Nagel. This video will also demonstrate where the methods can be downloaded and how the handheld barcode reader can be used to facilitate your daily work.

Learn more about Water Testing Applications for UV/Vis



How to Use the EasyDirect™ UV/VIS Software

Learn how to take full advantage of EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers in this informative video. Connecting your instrument with the user-friendly EasyDirect UV/VIS PC software allows you to streamline your daily workflow and simplify your analysis process.

Join us as we demonstrate the benefits of using this software and guide you through the easy connection process. Make the most of your EasyPlus spectrophotometer with the EasyDirect UV/VIS PC software.

Download a free trial verison of EasyDirect UV/VIS




Easy Maintenance


How to Replace the Lamp of Your Easy VIS Spectrophotometer

METTLER TOLEDO's Easy VIS Spectrophotometer operates within a wavelength range of 330 to 1,000 nm. The light source is an easy-to-replace tungsten lamp, which any operator can quickly replace within just a few minutes! Simply unscrew the screws with the supplied tool, replace the module, and close it again.

Easy VIS constantly monitors and records the usage of the lamp and prompts the user to prepare for a replacement in advance. If the Easy VIS detects that the light intensity is below a threshold, it informs the user.

Tungsten Lamp Set Easy VIS


