
Sugar Determination Using the MyBrix Pocket Refractometer


Ideal for Any Food and Beverage Sample

Sugar Determination Using the MyBrix Refractometer
Sugar Determination Using the MyBrix Refractometer

Sugar determination is a common procedure to determine the optimal harvesting time of fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, quick checks of the sugar content are performed for incoming goods inspection, or process and quality control in juice, soft drinks and food manufacturing.

The MyBrix Pocket Refractometer is designed with a full Brix range (0.0 to 95.0 °) and 10 integrated sugar-related scales like Refractive Index, Brix, °Baumé, HFCS, Oechsle, °Plato, and Wort. This makes it the perfect solution for measuring almost any food and beverage sample.

This application note provides information on sugar determination in various food and beverages samples including useful tips for sampling. In addition, the measurement accuracy of the MyBrix Pocket Refractometer is verified by comparing its measurement results with those of an Easy R40 benchtop refractometer.

Find out more information by downloading our application note.