Brochure: TMA/SDTA 2+

Thermomechanical Analysis for All Requirements

Product Brochure

Thermomechanical Analysis for All Requirements

Brochure: TMA/SDTA 2+
Brochure: TMA/SDTA 2+

Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) is used to measure dimensional changes of a material as a function of temperature. Thermal expansion and effects such as softening, crystallization and solid-solid transitions determine the potential applications of a material and provide important information about its composition. Viscoelastic behavior can be studied by varying the applied force (DLTMA mode).

Features and benefits of the METTLER TOLEDO TMA/SDTA 2+:

  • Wide temperature range – from –150 to 1600 °C
  • SDTA – for the simultaneous measurement of thermal effects
  • One Click™ – provides efficient sample measurement
  • Nanometer resolution – allows very small dimensional changes to be measured
  • Dynamic load TMA (DLTMA mode) – measures weak transitions and elasticity
  • Wide measurement range – for small and large samples
  • Modular design – allows future expansion to meet new requirements
  • Hyphenated techniques – for Evolved Gas Analysis using MS, GC-MS, or FTIR

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