Application Editorial

Bioreactor Control System - Biopharma

Application Editorial

Reliable Gravimetric Feed Control Using Balances

Bioreactor control system using balances
Bioreactor control system using balances

Bioreactor control system with gravimetric feed is an efficient method for precise fermentation in biopharma applications. With the increasing need for accurate and consistent fermentation processes in the biopharmaceutical industry, the need for rapid, simple, compliant, and cost-efficient bioreactor process control becomes a key factor for success. A bioreactor feed control system based on adding liquids by weight rather than by volume is a proven method that ensures highly precise fermentation.

What Will You Learn with This Application Note?

This application note outlines how METTLER TOLEDO precision balances can control the flow of liquids into a bioreactor in a simple control loop involving the bioreactor, the pump and the balance. This control loop is established via seamless integration among the instruments. With gravimetric feed control using a balance, you can be sure of efficient, accurate, and reliable process control with a minimum amount of investment - resulting in more efficient research and development processes. Learn more about:

  • Bioreactor control parameters
  • Gravimetric feed control loops
  • The best ways to control the liquid fill
  • How to select the best balances for gravimetric feed control

Interested? Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time for expert advice and support. We want to ensure you have zero doubts when purchasing our equipment. This application note is focused on laboratory applications using laboratory balances. For larger scale applications, including those in production -  please take a look at our high capacity industrial balances.

Precision Balance

Emissions Testing

Weight of particulate matter collected on filters for Emissions Testing can be extremely low, therefore the weighing procedure has to be performed very accurately. See why METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Micro-balance, equipped with especially developed accessories for filter weighing, is the best choice for Emissions Testing application.


An easy integration of bioreactor, pump and balance is important. The MS-TS precision balance is the perfect choice thanks to integrated MT-SICS commands which allow for e.g. external reading of weighing results and seamless integration of the fermentation setup. Additionally, MS-TS precision balances are very reliable, easy to use and very robust. These balances are available with capacities from 320 g up to 12 kg and readabilities ranging from 1 mg up to 100 mg. 

Gravimetric feeding is considered the safest and most accurate method of regulating the flow of liquids into a bioreactor. The main advantage of gravimetric feed control is that this approach is much more precise and provides an easy and cost-effective way to monitor and control the weight loss of the feeding solution.

MS-TS balances have a wide set of MT-SICS commands that enable the balance to be controlled via appropriate PC software. In this way, the bioreactor software can communicate with the balance to read the weight remaining the feeding bottles and hence calculate the amounts that have been added to the bioreactor. The MT-SICS manual for your balance can be downloaded from the corresponding balance model page on our website., for example, the MT-SICS commands for the MS12002TS.




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