recyclable pipette tip rack

Miljøvenlige stativer til pipettespidser

TerraRack er 100 % genanvendelig

Miljøvenlige stativer til pipettespidser skal være fremstillet af plastik, der er nemt at genanvende og er fremstillet af mindre plastik. Rainin TerraRack er fremstillet af den mest almindeligt genanvendte plast (type nr. 1 PETE) og med op til 50 % mindre plast end konventionelle stativer. Fås med LTS og universal-tilpasning (UNV), filtreret og ufiltreret. Spidserne er steriliserede og kan ikke autoklaveres.

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TOC Sensor 6000i

The 6000TOCi online sensor delivers true continuous measurement for the detection of organic contamination. With an extremely rapid response to TOC changes, the 6000TOCi is ideal for all pure water applications where rapid detection of TOC changes is critical.

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TOC Sensor 6000i Low PPB

The 6000TOCi online sensor delivers true continuous measurement for the detection of organic contamination. With an extremely rapid response to TOC changes, the 6000TOCi is ideal for all pure water applications where rapid detection of TOC changes is critical.

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TOC Sensor 4000e 110 VAC

The 4000TOCe online TOC sensor with flow control provides continuous, fast and reliable monitoring of TOC levels from reverse osmosis post-treatment to point-of-use.

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TOC Sensor 4000e 220 VAC

The 4000TOCe online TOC sensor with flow control provides continuous, fast and reliable monitoring of TOC levels from reverse osmosis post-treatment to point-of-use.

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LTS LiteTouch System
By virtually eliminating friction, the Rainin LiteTouch System dramatically reduces the amount of force required to load and eject tips.
Nyt katalog til industriel vejning viser en bred vifte af løsninger
Rainin Pipette Tip-kataloget indeholder oplysninger om alle tipprodukter med mere detaljer og forklaringer.
Rainin BioClean pipettespidser - Certificeret fri for kontaminanter
De strenge testspecifikationer kombineret med udformningen af testprocedurerne sikrer tilsammen Rainin-pipettespidsernes renhed. Dette white paper påv...
Comparative Carbon Footprints Terrarack
METTLER TOLEDO Rainin is the pioneer of high purity ‘BioClean’ tips, creating a range of super-clean tips which are certified to be free of biological...
Pipettespidskvalitet - Indvirkning på eksperimentelle resultater
Denne artikel giver dig en introduktion til emnet med detaljerede råd om, hvad du bør se efter, når du skal vælge en god pipettespids, dvs. en spids,...
aerosol-resistant pipette tips
Rainin aerosol-resistant pipette tips with filters were tested by an independent testing laboratory and proven to prevent DNA aerosol contamination.
Why Rainin Does Not Test for RNA
It may appear curious to some customers that Rainin tests its tips for human DNA contamination, but conducts no such tests for contaminating RNA.
  • Fabriksuddannede/SAC-SINGLAS-certificerede teknikere
  • Topmoderne laboratorium
  • Netværk af globale metrologieksperter til at løse ethvert problem
  • 3 - 5 dages ekspeditionstid
  • Udskiftning af forbrugsvarer
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