Learn more about in-situ FTIR spectroscopy with ReactIR.
System ReactIR 702L, TEMCT

ReactIR 702L

TE-Cooled MCT

Solid-state detector cooling delivers high performance without the need for liquid nitrogen.

System ReactIR 701L, LN2

ReactIR 701L

Liquid Nitrogen MCT

High-sensitivity detector with >24 hour hold time for demanding applications.

ReactIR 45P HL Process FTIR

ReactIR 45P

Process FTIR

Transfer reaction understanding across scales, from the laboratory to classified plant areas.

Reaction Insight from Every Experiment

Reaction Insight from Every Experiment

This paper presents five examples taken from recent journal articles in which HPLC alone was not suf...

Vejledning til reaktionsanalyse

Vejledning til reaktionsanalyse i realtid

Denne vejledning gennemgår fordelene og vigtigheden af PAT-metoder til at udvikle reaktionsforståels...

ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications

ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications

This free Citation List presents an extensive list of peer-reviewed publications related to the use...

mechanism of crystallization

7 Key Crystallization Mechanisms

This free guide reviews seven hidden crystallization mechanisms that can influence your crystallizat...

Monitoring of Reaction Mechanisms

Monitoring Reaction Mechanisms Inline

Data is collected in the mid-infrared spectral region, which provide a characteristic fingerprint a...

in situ overvågning af kemiske reaktioner

In-situ overvågning af kemiske reaktioner

In-situ reaktionsovervågning ved hjælp af spektroskopi gør det muligt for forskere at se, hvad der s...

What types of FTIR probes do you offer?

Our DST Sampling Technology allows you to study chemistry under a wide variety of conditions. From low to high pressures and temperatures, and in almost every reaction condition, reactions, and processes can be studied in real time

  • ATR-FTIR fiber probes
  • Diamond ATR fiber
  • Silicon ATR fiber probes
  • Flow cells

Learn more about DST Sampling Technology.