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Ensure the Kiwi Bird’s SurvivalNew Zealand’s national symbol is in decline. Our laboratory balances are helping to ensure that kiwi numbers increase. Operation Nest Egg (O.N.E.) collects and incubates kiwi eggs so chicks are protected until they are big enough to fight off predators. Mere | Taste that Packs a PunchSweet but no sugar please, plus long-lasting taste and the right consistency. To create perfect chewing gum, you need butyl rubber, flavorings, sweeteners, and the necessary expertise. Products from METTLER TOLEDO are also a must. Mere | Perfect Balance in the SkyWithin a matter of four years, the first helicopter rolled off Marenco Swisshelicopter AG's production line. Weighing technology is helping to keep its operating costs to a minimum. Mere |
Billeopdræt – en ganske normal hobbyPræcisionsvægte bruges ofte af hobbyopdrættere af biller for at veje larver. Du tænker måske, det lyder meget mærkeligt. Hvem opdrætter biller, og hvilke biller snakker vi overhovedet om? Mere | When Trucks Become BagsIn 1993, brothers Daniel and Markus Freitag made their first bag from used truck tarpaulins. Since then, Freitag has become an urban fashion label in Switzerland and beyond, and now produces about 400,000 bags and accessories annually. An essential aid in their work is a special METTLER TOLEDO scale. Mere | Tykhuder på vægtenZürichs zoologiske have benytter en skræddersyet vejeplatform fra METTLER TOLEDO til at holde øje med elefanternes vægt. Vægten har allerede bestået den afgørende prøve, da alle dyrene allerede er blevet vejet. Alligevel er dyrene en anelse mistænksomme, når pladen over vejecellen bevæger sig et par millimeter. Mere |
Milde molekyleMesterkokken Max Eichmann serverer fransk mad med molekylære undertoner på sin restaurant i Schweiz. En af hans mange triumfer er en frugtsaftkaviar. I mere end ti år har han under tilberedningen af denne delikatesse sat sin lid til METTLER TOLEDO’s multikanalpipetter. Mere | Get your sneakers on and go!Running is one of the healthiest sports of all. Despite the trend in recent years toward running barefoot, good shoes are still indispensable for most runners. To ensure their quality, METTLER TOLEDO products are used. Mere | Hvert gram tæller, når du er på vingerneVægte bruges til at bestemme et flys vægt Men det er ikke hele historien. Bertrand Piccards soldrevne luftfartøj og en Airbus på 270 ton har noget til fælles: De skal begge bruge vægte for at opnå stabil, balanceret flyvning. Mere |
Ultimativ test af præcisionsvægt i elefantforsøgMere | To the Moon and BackAround 400,000 people and 20,000 companies and universities worldwide supported the Apollo program at its height. Among them was Mettler Instrument Corporation of Greifensee near Zurich. Mere | A Fresh Approach to Lab AutomationAre you tired of the slow pace and errors that can come with manual lab work? Do you want to speed up your research, testing, and quality control while ensuring accuracy and data traceability? Mere |
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