Vaccine Formulation

Lab Solutions for Testing, Quality Control, and Development of Vaccines

Ring for tilbud
Close-up image of a virus
viral vaccines
  • Viral vaccines. The two main approaches to whole virus vaccines are:
    • Live attenuated vaccines, which use a weakened form of the virus that can still replicate without causing illness.
    • “Killed” vaccines, which use viruses that cannot replicate but still trigger an immune response since the antigens present in the viral structure are kept.
recombinant viral vector vaccines
  • Recombinant viral vector vaccines. Viral vector vaccines use an unrelated attenuated virus (adenovirus) to hijack cellular machinery and give host cells instructions to produce antigens that trigger an immune response.
subunits/recombinant protein vaccines
  • Subunits/Recombinant protein vaccines. Recombinant proteins vaccines or protein subunits vaccines use pieces of the pathogen produced using recombinant DNA technology.
toxoid vaccines
  • Toxoid vaccines. Toxoid vaccines are prepared from attenuated toxins secreted from bacteria. The technology is matured and vaccines of this type are used for diseases such as tetanus and diphtheria worldwide.
bioconjugate vaccines
  • Bioconjugate vaccines. Bioconjugate vaccines modify or combine two or more different vaccine components by mechanical, chemical, or biocatalytic (enzymatic) processes.
mRNA vaccines and pDNA vaccines
  • mRNA vaccines and pDNA vaccines. Nucleic acid vaccines include mRNA and pDNA (circular plasmid DNA) vaccines. These vaccines use genetic material, either RNA or DNA, to provide cells with the instructions to make an antigen. Once inside a human cell, mRNA or pDNA vaccines use the cells’ protein machinery to make the antigen that will trigger an immune response.
Available Vaccine Adjuvants
Vaccine Stabilizers and Excipients
Adjuvant screening
Antigen and adjuvant interactions and screening.
Optimizing vaccine against a number of factors
Meeting Vaccine Development Regulations
iC Software Suite
LabX Laboratory Software


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