Webinar: Preventive Maintenance of Laboratory Balances

How Preventive Maintenance Helps Minimize Errors and Increase Uptime

Weighing is an important activity in every laboratory, and weighing accuracy is critical to the success of many departments, whether it is research and development, production, or quality control.

However, balances are sensitive devices. Using them in unstable environments, such as busy labs with shift staff or fume hoods, or near production lines in a warehouse, may have a significant impact on a balance’s ability to produce accuracy over time. It can also impact the durability of the device, causing it to age and require replacement prematurely.

Preventive maintenance helps to ensure that your balance is fit for purpose and can produce accurate results on an ongoing basis. This helps you protect your analytical accuracy and process quality while reducing the risk of errors, downtime, and poor outcomes.

Watch our webinar to learn more about preventive maintenance and how to implement it in your lab.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The differences between reactive and preventive maintenance
  • The risks of not implementing preventive maintenance
  • The benefits of preventive maintenance
  • The steps included in preventive maintenance
  • The importance of including preventive maintenance with calibration in a tailored service plan


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