Determining Water Content in Antibiotics by Volumetric Karl Fischer Titration

The Titration Method with a Thermostatable Vessel for Accurate Analysis

This page describes the volumetric Karl Fischer titration method with a thermostatable vessel for determining the water content in antibiotics.

Download the application note as well as the required data for the LabX™ titration software method.


How does the volumetric Karl Fischer titration method work?

This method selectively quantifies water by reacting it with iodine, sulfur dioxide, an organic base, and an alcohol. It allows for the precise determination of water content, which is critical for maintaining the stability and efficacy of antibiotics.

How does a thermostatable vessel enhance the titration process?

A thermostatable vessel allows for temperature control during titration, improving the solubility of the sample and ensuring the complete release of water molecules, leading to more accurate results.

What challenges can arise from using solubilizers in the titration process?

Solubilizers can lead to potential side reactions with the sample and may decrease cell conductivity if added beyond a certain percentage. Instead, applying heat to the sample solution is recommended to enhance solubility without these risks.

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