Physical Parameters

  • Temperature: Affects dissolved oxygen levels, biological activity, chemical reactions, and overall water quality. It is crucial for aquatic life, industrial processes, power generation, and recreational activities.
  • Turbidity: Measures water cloudiness caused by suspended particles. It impacts water clarity, treatment processes, and consumer acceptance in industries such as water treatment, food and beverage, and aquaculture.
  • Color: Indicates the presence of dissolved substances or suspended particles, affecting aesthetic appeal and potentially indicating contamination. It is essential for industries like water treatment, food and beverage, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Odor and taste: Sensory perceptions influenced by chemical composition and biological activity, significantly impacting water acceptability in industries such as water utilities, food and beverage, and aquaculture.
  • Solids: Refer to suspended, settleable, and dissolved substances affecting water clarity, treatment processes, and product quality in industries like water treatment, manufacturing, and agriculture.
  • Conductivity: Measures the water's ability to conduct electricity, indicating the presence of dissolved ions. It is important for various industries, including agriculture, water treatment, and chemical processing.

Chemical Parameters

These parameters focus on the chemical composition of water, including:

  • pH: Indicates acidity or alkalinity, affecting aquatic life, corrosion, and treatment processes. It is crucial for industries such as water treatment, chemical processing, and aquaculture.
  • Dissolved oxygen: Essential for aquatic life, influenced by temperature, biological activity, and pollution. It is critical for industries such as aquaculture, wastewater treatment, and environmental monitoring.
  • Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): Measures the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms to decompose organic matter. It is essential for wastewater treatment, environmental monitoring, and the food and beverage industry.
  • Chemical oxygen demand (COD): Measures the total amount of oxygen required to oxidize organic and inorganic matter. It is used to assess the overall organic pollution load in water, which is relevant for industries such as wastewater treatment and industrial effluent monitoring.
  • Nutrients: Nitrogen and phosphorus levels that can contribute to algal blooms and eutrophication. They are crucial for agriculture, water treatment, and environmental management.
  • Hardness: Caused by calcium and magnesium ions, affecting water treatment, soap performance, and scale formation. It is important for industries such as water treatment, laundry, and power generation.
  • Salinity: Measures the salt content, affecting aquatic life and industrial processes. It is critical for industries such as desalination, aquaculture, and chemical processing.

Biological Parameters

These parameters assess the presence and abundance of living organisms in water:

  • Bacteria: Indicate potential contamination from fecal matter or other sources. It is crucial for public health, water treatment, and the food and beverage industry.
  • Algae: Can cause algal blooms, affecting water quality and treatment processes. It is important for water treatment, aquaculture, and recreational water bodies.
  • Viruses: Microscopic organisms that can cause diseases. Essential for public health, water treatment, and the food and beverage industry.

UV/VIS Water Testing Procedure

The UV/Vis water testing procedure involves a systematic workflow encompassing sample preparation, instrument setup, measurement, and data analysis.

sample collection icon

Sample Collection

Water samples are collected from the desired source, ensuring representative sampling and proper preservation techniques.

sample preparation

Sample Preparation

Collected samples undergo necessary pretreatment, such as filtration, dilution, or digestion, to prepare them for analysis.

Instrument Setup

Instrument Setup

The UV/Vis spectrophotometer is calibrated and configured with the appropriate wavelength settings and measurement parameters for the target analytes.



Prepared water samples are introduced into the spectrophotometer's cuvette for absorbance measurement at specific wavelengths.

data analysis

Data Analysis

The obtained absorbance data is processed using calibration curves or standard addition methods to determine the concentration of the target analytes in the water sample.

Environmental Water Testing

UV/VIS Water Testing Applications Environmental Water Testing

UV/Vis spectrophotometry is indispensable for monitoring environmental water quality. From the tranquil depths of lakes to the vast expanse of oceans, UV/Vis spectrophotometry provides critical insights into:

  • Nutrient dynamics: Understanding the delicate balance of essential nutrients and their role in aquatic life.
  • Contaminant tracking: Identifying and quantifying pollutants, from industrial effluents to agricultural runoff.
  • Climate change indicators: Monitoring changes in water temperature, acidity, and dissolved oxygen levels.
  • Biodiversity assessment: Analyzing phytoplankton and algal populations to gauge ecosystem health.

Drinking Water Analysis

Ensuring the purity and safety of drinking water is paramount for public health. UV/Vis spectrophotometry offers a powerful toolkit that enables:

  • Disinfectant residual monitoring: Precise measurement of chlorine or ozone levels to ensure effective disinfection without overdosing.
  • Contaminant detection: Identification and quantification of heavy metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and other emerging contaminants.
  • Water quality assessment: Evaluation of color, turbidity, and other physical parameters indicative of water quality.
  • Compliance monitoring: Ensuring adherence to stringent drinking water regulations and standards.

UV/VIS Water Testing Applications Drinking Water Testing

Wastewater Analysis

UV/VIS Water Testing Applications Wastewater Testing

UV/Vis spectrophotometry is a cornerstone of modern wastewater management. By examining the interaction of light with wastewater components, this technique provides critical insights into water quality and treatment effectiveness.

  • BOD and COD estimation: Providing rapid and reliable estimates of organic load (note: these are typically correlated with UV absorbance, not direct measurements).
  • Nutrient analysis: Determining nitrogen and phosphorus levels to optimize treatment processes.
  • Effluent monitoring: Assessing the effectiveness of treatment plants and compliance with regulations.

Boiler Feed Water Monitoring

Maintaining high-quality boiler feed water is essential to prevent scale formation and equipment damage. Traditional boiler water test kits provide essential insights, but UV/Vis spectrophotometry offers a more comprehensive solution. UV/Vis spectrophotometry can be used to:

  • Monitor silica levels: Preventing scale formation.
  • Detect contaminants: Identifying impurities that can harm boiler systems.
  • Control water treatment chemicals: Optimizing chemical dosing for water treatment.

UV/VIS Water Testing Applications Boiler Feed Water Testing

Essential Inorganic Analytes

Inorganic compounds play a vital role in water quality. Their presence or absence can significantly impact aquatic life, human health, and industrial processes. UV/Vis spectrophotometry can reliably determine the concentration of various inorganic substances.


Nitrate is a nitrogen-based compound commonly found in water bodies. While essential for plant growth in small amounts, excessive nitrate levels pose significant environmental and health risks. Nitrate contamination often originates from agricultural runoff, leaching from fertilizers, and wastewater discharges. High nitrate concentrations in drinking water can lead to serious health problems. Additionally, nitrate contributes to eutrophication, causing harmful algal blooms and oxygen depletion in water bodies. UV/Vis spectrophotometry is a widely used method for determining nitrate concentrations, enabling effective water quality monitoring and management.


Ammonia is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, often found in wastewater and agricultural runoff due to the decomposition of organic matter. High levels of ammonia are toxic to aquatic life, disrupting their respiratory systems. Moreover, ammonia can also contribute to eutrophication, again leading to oxygen depletion in water bodies. UV/Vis spectrophotometry, coupled with appropriate reagents, can accurately determine ammonia concentrations, enabling effective water quality management.


Fluoride is a mineral essential for dental health, preventing tooth decay. However, excessive fluoride consumption can lead to dental fluorosis and more severe skeletal fluorosis. Accurate fluoride measurement is crucial for maintaining optimal water quality and public health, not only in drinking water but also in dental products. UV/Vis spectrophotometry, through methods like the alizarin zirconyl complex analysis, enables precise fluoride determination in both water and dental products, ensuring compliance with safety standards.


Phosphates are essential nutrients for plant growth, including aquatic vegetation. However, excess phosphates can stimulate excessive plant growth, leading to imbalances in the ecosystem. UV/Vis spectrophotometry is widely used to monitor phosphate concentrations in water bodies.


Chloride is a naturally occurring anion found in water. While essential for human health in moderate amounts, high chloride levels can impart a salty taste to water and contribute to corrosion of water infrastructure. Chloride contamination often originates from industrial discharges, saltwater intrusion, or road de-icing salts. UV/Vis spectrophotometry can be employed to monitor chloride levels effectively.


Arsenic is a toxic metalloid naturally occurring in some groundwater sources. It can also contaminate water through industrial activities and agricultural practices. Chronic exposure to arsenic can lead to various health issues, including skin lesions, respiratory problems, and an increased risk of cancer. UV/Vis spectrophotometry, combined with appropriate sample preparation techniques, can be used to detect and quantify arsenic in water.


Boron is an essential micronutrient for plants but can be toxic to humans at elevated levels. Naturally occurring in the environment, boron can find its way into water sources from various activities, including industrial processes, agriculture, and leaching from rocks and soil. Excessive boron consumption can affect reproductive health and development, particularly in children. Therefore, monitoring boron levels in water is crucial. UV/Vis spectrophotometry, combined with appropriate analytical methods, can accurately determine boron concentrations, ensuring water quality and public health.


Iron is an essential element for living organisms, but excessive levels in water can cause aesthetic problems such as discoloration and staining. Iron can also contribute to the growth of iron-bacteria, which can clog pipes and reduce water flow. UV/Vis spectrophotometry is a common method for determining iron concentrations in water, allowing for effective treatment and prevention of iron-related issues.


Copper is an essential trace element for human health, but excessive exposure can lead to copper poisoning, characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms, liver damage, and kidney problems. Copper can enter water bodies from industrial discharges, corrosion of copper pipes, and agricultural runoff. UV/Vis spectrophotometry can be utilized to monitor copper levels in water.


Magnesium is a vital mineral, contributing significantly to water hardness. While essential for human health, excessive magnesium can impact water quality and daily activities. Magnesium concentrations vary widely, with seawater containing significantly higher levels compared to freshwater sources. Maintaining optimal magnesium levels is crucial for preventing scale formation, ensuring efficient detergent performance, and safeguarding the longevity of water-based systems. UV/Vis spectrophotometry, combined with appropriate reagents, can accurately determine magnesium concentrations, aiding in water treatment and management.


Lead is a highly toxic metal with no known safe exposure level. It can accumulate in the body, causing severe health problems, particularly in children. Lead contamination in water often originates from old lead pipes, industrial discharges, and leaded gasoline. UV/Vis spectrophotometry can be employed as part of a comprehensive lead testing program to protect public health.

Organic Matter Analysis

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

COD measures the amount of oxygen required to biologically oxidize organic matter in a water sample. It's a crucial indicator of water pollution, particularly in wastewater treatment. A high COD value indicates a substantial organic load, impacting aquatic life and treatment processes. UV/Vis spectrophotometry indirectly measures COD by colorimetric analysis of the oxidized sample.

Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

TOC quantifies the total amount of organic carbon present in water. It provides a comprehensive measure of organic pollution, encompassing a broader range of organic compounds than COD. TOC is valuable for monitoring water quality in various applications, including drinking water, wastewater, and environmental studies. UV/Vis spectrophotometry, combined with oxidation techniques, can be used to determine TOC levels.

Other Important Parameters

While not directly measured by UV/Vis spectrophotometry, it can be used as part of analytical procedures for determining these parameters.


Water hardness is caused primarily by calcium and magnesium ions. It impacts water quality by reducing cleaning efficiency and forming scale in appliances. While UV/Vis spectrophotometry doesn't directly measure hardness, it can be used to determine the concentrations of calcium and magnesium, key contributors to hardness.


Alkalinity is water's capacity to neutralize acids. It influences pH stability and aquatic life. While not directly measured by UV/Vis spectrophotometry, it's related to carbonate and bicarbonate ions, which can be analyzed using this technique.


Silica is a common mineral found in water. High silica levels can cause scale formation in boilers and water heaters. UV/Vis spectrophotometry can be employed in methods to determine silica concentrations, aiding in water treatment and management.


Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


Ammonium Cell Test

0.20 – 8.00 mg/L NH4‐N

0.26 – 10.30 mg/L NH4+

0.20 – 8.00 mg/L NH3‐N

0.26 – 9.73 mg/L NH3


Ammonium Cell Test

0.5 – 16.0 mg/L NH4‐N

0.6 – 20.6 mg/L NH4+

0.5 – 16.0 mg/L NH3‐N

0.6 – 19.5 mg/L NH3


Ammonium Cell Test

4.0 – 80.0 mg/L NH4‐N

5.2 – 103.0 mg/L NH4+

4.0 – 80.0 mg/L NH3‐N

5.2 – 97.3 mg/L NH3


Ammonium Test

0.010 – 3.00 mg/L NH4‐N

0.013 – 3.86 mg/L NH4+

0.010 – 3.00 mg/L NH3‐N

0.013 – 3.65 mg/L NH3


Ammonium Test

2.0 – 150 mg/L NH4‐N

2.6 – 193 mg/L NH4+

2.0 – 150 mg/L NH3‐N

2.6 – 182 mg/L NH3


Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine)

0.03 ‐ 6.00 mg/l Cl2


Chlorine Test (free chlorine)

0.010 ‐ 6.00  mg/l Cl2


Chlorine Test (total chlorine)

0.010 ‐ 6.00  mg/l Cl2


Chlorine Cell Test (free and total chlorine)

0.03 ‐ 6.00 mg/l Cl2


Chlorine Test for (free and total chlorine)

0.010 ‐ 6.00  mg/l Cl2

Chromate / Chromium VI

Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


Chromate Cell Test (Chromium VI)

0.05 ‐ 2.0 mg/l Cr


Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


COD Cell Test

4.0 ‐ 40.0 mg/l COD


COD Cell Test

5.0 – 80.0 mg/l COD


COD Cell Test

10 ‐ 150 mg/l COD


COD Cell Test

15 ‐ 300 mg/l COD


COD Cell Test

25 ‐ 1,500 mg/l COD


COD Cell Test

300 ‐ 3,500 mg/l COD


COD Cell Test

500 ‐ 10,000 mg/l COD


COD Cell Test

5,000 – 90,000 mg/l COD


Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


Cyanide Cell Test (free cyanide)*

0.010 ‐ 0.500 mg/l CN‐

*This test kit is not available in the US and Canada because of import restrictions.


Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


Nitrate Cell Test

0.5‐18.0 mg/L NO3‐N2.
2 – 79.7 mg/L NO3


Nitrate Cell Test

0.5 ‐ 25.0 mg/L NO3‐N
2.2 – 110.7 mg/L NO3


Nitrate Cell Test

1.0   ‐ 50.0 mg/L NO3‐N
2.0  4 – 221 mg/L NO3


Nitrate Cell Test

23‐225 mg/L NO3‐N
102 – 996 mg/L NO3


Nitrate Test

0.10‐25.0 mg/L NO3‐N
0.4 – 110.7 mg/L NO3


Nitrate Test

0.2‐20.0 mg/L NO3‐N
0.89 – 88.5 mg/L NO3


Nitrate Test

0.3‐30.0 mg/L NO3‐N
1.3 – 132.8 mg/L NO


Nitrate Cell Test in seawater

0.10‐3.00 mg/L NO3‐N
0.4 – 13.3 mg/L NO3


Nitrate Test in seawater

0.2‐17.0 mg/L NO3‐N
0.9 – 75.3 mg/L NO3


Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


Nitrite Cell Test

0.010 – 0.700 mg/L NO2‐N

0.03 – 2.30 mg/L NO2


Nitrite Cell Test

1.0 – 90.0 mg/L NO2‐N
3.0 – 295.2 mg/L NO2


Nitrite Test

0.002 – 1.00 mg/L NO2‐N

0.007 – 3.28 mg/L NO2


Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


Phosphate Cell Test (Orthophosphate and Total Phosphorous)

0.05‐5.00 mg/L PO4‐P

0.2‐15.3 mg/L PO4


Phosphate Cell Test (Orthophosphate and Total Phosphorous

0.5‐25.0 mg/L PO4‐P

1.5‐76.7 mg/L PO4


Test Kit No.

Spectroquant® Test kits

Measuring ranges


Sulfate Cell Test

5‐250 mg/L SO4


Sulfate Cell Test

100‐1,000 mg/L SO4

While the EasyPlus UV/VIS series focuses on simplicity and user-friendliness, for laboratories with higher sample throughput and more complex analysis requirements, UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometers offer advanced automation capabilities.

    Sample Handling

    Sample Handling

    Integration with cuvette changer, pumps, and autosamplers enables unattended analysis of large sample volumes, significantly improving efficiency.

    Data Management

    Data Management

    Advanced software can handle data processing, calculations, and result reporting automatically, reducing manual errors and saving time.

    Method Development

    Method Development

    Users can create and optimize custom methods for specific water quality parameters, tailoring the instrument to their exact needs.



    Integration with laboratory information management systems (LIMS) ensures data integrity and compliance with regulatory standards.

    By automating routine tasks and providing comprehensive data analysis, UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometers can significantly enhance the productivity and reliability of water testing laboratories. 

    Water Testing Guide

    Water Testing with a UV5 Spectrophotometer

    Determine Water Quality Parameters Efficiently


    「EasyPlus UV/VIS水質検査」ガイド

    EasyPlus UV/VIS向け水質検査アプリケーションとSpectroquant®検査キット

    UV/Vis Water Testing Methods

    UV/Vis Water Testing Methods

    Ready-to-Use Methods for Water Testing Kits

    On Demand Webinar Photometric Water Analysis

    On Demand Webinar: Efficient Photometric Water Analysis

    Control Water Quality Parameters in a Fast and Secure Workflow







    分光測定の自動化 UV Vis


    UV/VIS InMotion™オートサンプラーベースをFlex、Pro、Maxから選択し、サンプルラックと組み合わせてください。UV/VIS分光測定用サンプルキットを使用することで、研究室に最適なシ...








    滴定装置 EasyPlus





    How is UV/Vis spectroscopy used in water analysis?

    UV/Vis spectroscopy is a valuable tool used in water analysis because it can identify and quantify a wide range of contaminants. Some specific applications include:

    • Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Analysis: UV/Vis spectroscopy can measure the concentration of DOM in water, which is an indicator of water quality and can affect parameters like turbidity and color.
    • Inorganic Contaminant Detection: UV/Vis spectroscopy can detect and quantify heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, as well as nitrates and sulfates.
    • Detection of Organic Contaminants: Pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals can be identified and measured using UV/Vis spectroscopy.
    • Monitoring of Water Treatment: UV/Vis spectroscopy can be utilized to monitor the efficiency of water treatment processes by assessing the removal of contaminants.
    • Boiler Feed Water Monitoring: By ensuring the quality and safety of boiler feed water, UV/Vis spectroscopy contributes to the overall efficiency and reliability of industrial processes.
    • Environmental Monitoring: UV/Vis spectroscopy plays a vital role in monitoring the quality of water in rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. It enables the identification of pollution sources and the tracking of environmental changes.

    Overall, UV/Vis spectroscopy is a versatile and reliable technique for water analysis, providing valuable insights into water quality and safety.

    How does UV/Vis water testing work and what is the principle behind UV/Vis water analysis?

    UV/Vis water testing works by analyzing the distinctive patterns of light absorption that different substances exhibit when exposed to ultraviolet and visible light. These patterns are unique to each substance, allowing for the identification and quantification of various contaminants in the water.

    Here is a simplified breakdown:

    • Light Source: A UV/Vis spectrophotometer emits a beam of light that spans the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (Vis) spectrum.  
    • Sample Interaction: The light beam passes through a water sample.  
    • Absorption: Certain substances in the water absorb specific wavelengths of light.  
    • Measurement: The spectrophotometer measures the amount of light that is absorbed by the sample.
    • Analysis: The absorption data is compared to known standards to determine the concentration of various substances in the water, such as contaminants or dissolved organic matter.

    How can I test for ammonia in water?

    UV/Vis spectroscopy is a powerful tool for analyzing various substances, including ammonia, in water. While ammonia itself doesn't directly absorb UV/Vis light, it can be indirectly detected by reacting it with a reagent that produces a colored compound that does absorb UV/Vis light.

    Here's a general procedure for testing ammonia in water using UV/Vis spectroscopy:

    1. Sample Preparation: Collect and prepare your water sample.
    2. Reagent Addition: Add a reagent that reacts with ammonia to form a colored compound.
    3. Measurement: Use a UV/Vis spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of the colored solution.
    4. Calibration: Create a calibration curve using standard ammonia solutions.
    5. Calculation: Determine the ammonia concentration using the calibration curve.

    METTLER TOLEDO’s UV/VIS spectrophotometers are an excellent choice for ammonia testing in water. Their precision, reliability, and versatility make them a popular option among laboratories and researchers.

    The ammonium test is even easier using a water test kit such as NANOCOLOR or Spectroquant.

    What are the latest advancements in water quality detection using UV/Vis spectroscopy?

    UV/Vis spectroscopy has seen significant advancements in recent years, making it a more effective tool for water quality testing. Here are some key advancements:

    • Compactness: Smaller devices reduce the required space for testing.
    • Sensitivity: Improved optical components enhance detection capabilities.
    • Integration: Combining UV/Vis with other techniques provides more comprehensive data.
    • Novel applications: UV/Vis is being used for emerging contaminants and treatment monitoring.

    What can UV/Vis spectroscopy reveal about the quality of my water?

    UV/Vis spectroscopy can reveal a lot about the quality of your water. By measuring the absorption of ultraviolet and visible light by the water sample, it can help identify and quantify various contaminants. Some of the things UV/Vis spectroscopy can tell you about your water include:  

    • The presence of dissolved organic matter: This can affect the taste, odor, and color of your water.
    • The concentration of certain pollutants: Many contaminants, such as heavy metals and certain organic compounds, absorb UV/Vis light and can be detected and quantified using this technique.
    • The overall quality of the water: UV/Vis spectroscopy can be used to assess the overall health of your water supply by identifying and quantifying a variety of contaminants.

    Is UV/Vis spectroscopy a good method for testing drinking water?

    UV/Vis spectroscopy is an excellent method for testing drinking water. It's particularly effective at detecting dissolved organic matter (DOM), which can impact the taste, odor, and color of water.

    Additionally, UV/Vis spectroscopy can identify and quantify certain inorganic contaminants that absorb UV/Vis light, such as heavy metals and certain organic compounds.

    Can UV/Vis spectroscopy be used to test for specific pollutants in water?

    Yes, UV/Vis spectroscopy can be used to test for specific pollutants in water. Each pollutant has a unique light absorption pattern, allowing for its identification and quantification. UV/Vis spectroscopy is particularly effective for detecting inorganic compounds, organic compounds, and dissolved organic matter.