Vision Inspection| Vision Inspection Systems

Vision Inspection Systems

Automated quality control of print, labels & packaging

METTLER TOLEDO vision inspection systems for automated quality control of product labeling and packaging in industries such as cosmetics, baby food, petroleum and pharmaceutical production. Vision systems also detect irregularities, debris, functional flaws and printing errors on product packaging and removes them from the production line.

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V15 Label Inspection 360° System

Cette solution peu encombrante permet de détecter les données d’étiquetage et les défauts de qualité sur les produits ronds. Six capteurs d'images sont intégrées dans un boîtier compact, facile à installer sur des convoyeurs existants. Possibilité de compléter le modèle V15 en installant des caméras.

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V11 Label Inspection System

Cette solution d’inspection d’étiquettes flexible contrôle de manière fiable les produits orientés, sur les côtés ou sur le dessus, pour vérifier les données d’étiquetage et repérer d’éventuels défauts de qualité. Elle peut être facilement intégrée à des lignes de production existantes en utilisant.

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V31 Vision Inspection System

Inspection avancée d’emballages et d’étiquettes pour les produits orientés. Ce système flexible comprend un châssis d’installation rapide et un suivi des produits avec jusqu'à six caméras et éclairage personnalisé.

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V33 Flat Pack Vision Inspection System

Inspection avancée de la base de différents emballages. Le système permet de personnaliser l’éclairage et peut être agrémenté de caméras supérieures pour d’autres applications, comme l’inspection de contamination dans le scellage.

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V13 Flatpack Label Inspection System

Cette solution effectue une inspection d’étiquettes fiable de bas en haut pour inspecter les étiquettes sous les emballages plats. La solution autonome comporte des options de gestion des matériaux configurables et peut être complétée par des caméras intelligentes installées en haut et sur les côtés.

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CMV Combination

Ce point de contrôle critique important assure la détection des métaux, le contrôle du poids et l’inspection d’étiquettes sur un seul et même dispositif, entièrement intégré et peu encombrant. Doté d’une souplesse de configuration totale, ce système peut être conçu pour répondre aux besoins de votre.

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What is a vision inspection system?

Vision inspection systems (also known as machine vision systems) are automated quality inspection machines equipped with cameras and sophisticated software and are designed to visually inspect for defects and errors on products during production. These systems take multiple pictures of packages while on the production line, and compare against pre-set "ideal" image stored in software memory. Any products that don't meet the quality expectations can then be rejected from the line for rework or disposal. 

Some ways vision inspection systems are used:

What are the components that make up a vision inspection system?

There are a number of different elements that make up the fundamental building blocks of the typical industrial vision inspection system. Some of the most common components in machine vision systems are:

  • Cameras - PC-based or smart cameras
  • Lights – used to illuminate the product packaging to achieve the best image quality
  • Framing & Brackets – used to hold the lights and camera in place for accurate imaging
  • HMI (Human Machine Interface) – a touch screen monitor and computer enclosure containing the software tools used to set parameters for inspection
  • Enclosures – used with some vision inspection systems to minimize outside light or to protect delicate equipment in harsh washdown environments
  • Additional equipment (i.e. conveyor, side grips, tracking modules) - integrated into the system depending upon the production line setup

Why do I need a vision inspection system in manufacturing?

Inspection of product packaging is critical for confidence that products are safely and correctly packaged before received by the end consumer. Vision inspection systems help manufacturers to:

  • Minimize package and label quality defects
  • Protect customers, and protect the brand reputation
  • Support adherence to industry best practice guidelines and industry standards
  • Mitigate the risk and impact of product recalls and returns

Investment in a quality vision inspection system will pay off over time. By eliminating the risk of label mix-ups, printed inaccuracies on products and labels, and the associated costs resulting from mistakes, you can reduce your risk of product recalls, fines and production rework. Vision inspection can pay for itself when factoring in your Return on Investment (ROI)!

Where are industrial vision inspection systems used?

Industrial vision inspection systems (or industrial machine vision systems) are used in manufacturing industries to monitor the quality and accuracy of packaging and labels.

Some industries which use industrial vision inspection are:

  • Food and BeverageFood and beverage quality inspection programs can include vision inspection systems to check that labels and packages contain the correct printed information (such as expiration dates and allergens).
  • Pharmaceutical - Vision inspection systems can be used for quality inspection in the pharmaceutical industry to monitor the correctness of dates, package quality, printed text, and more.
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care - Quality inspection of cosmetics is an important part of an overall quality control program. Vision systems can check that the correct labels are applied to the products, and can check for the presence of ingredient lists, printed instructions, and expiration dates.
  • Chemical - Machine vision systems can be used for label and package quality inspection in the chemical industry for confidence that each package is correctly labeled with the presence of any dangerous ingredients, along with poison control instructions for accidental exposure.