bulk pipette tips



散裝微量分注器滴管尖頭採用可重複密封包裝袋封裝,每袋可容納多達1,000個滴管尖頭。購買Rainin BioClean Ultra袋裝滴管尖頭,然後裝入空的滴管尖頭盒,是目前取得LTS與UNV(通用式)高純度、高清潔度滴管尖頭(10 μL至20 mL)最經濟實惠的方式。僅限非過濾式未滅菌滴管尖頭。每袋可容納多達1,000個滴管尖頭,具體視滴管尖頭的尺寸而定。

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LTS LiteTouch System 系統
Rainin LiteTouch 系統幾乎能消除任何摩擦力,因此能大幅減少裝載與推出滴管尖頭所需的力道。
Rainin LR 滴管尖頭 产品样本
Learn how Rainin LR low retention tips improve pipetting accuracy by minimizing residual volume, particularly when transferring liquids such as viscou...
sterile vs non sterile pipette tips
This white paper proves how there is essentially zero possibility for any Rainin pipette tip to contribute contaminants to customer samples.
Comparative Carbon Footprints Terrarack
METTLER TOLEDO Rainin is the pioneer of high purity ‘BioClean’ tips, creating a range of super-clean tips which are certified to be free of biological...
Counteracting Liquid Retention in Tips Benefits of Using Low Retention Tips
此文件顯示出 Rainin LR 滴管尖頭能讓微量分注器展現出效能的最佳化,有效應用於分注不同成分及物理特性的液體。
aerosol-resistant pipette tips
Rainin aerosol-resistant pipette tips with filters were tested by an independent testing laboratory and proven to prevent DNA aerosol contamination.
Why Rainin Does Not Test for RNA
It may appear curious to some customers that Rainin tests its tips for human DNA contamination, but conducts no such tests for contaminating RNA.
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