ReactIR 15 In Situ Reaction Monitoring

ReactIR 15   - Ukončení výroby produktu

Již se nevyrábí Dec, 2019

FTIR Improves Chemistry Understanding

Organic chemists and scientists strive to improve the research and development of chemical compounds, synthetic chemical routes and processes. In situ reaction monitoring tracks concentration changes of key reactive and transient species to understand mechanism pathway, determine kinetics and detect major reaction events. ReactIR 15 is a real-time, in situ mid-infrared based system designed to study reaction progression and provide specific information about reaction initiation, conversion, intermediates and endpoint. The comprehensive nature of the data makes it ideal for real-time process optimization.

Sampling technology options enable the successful monitoring of gas or liquid phases under any process conditions such as:

Chemistries include:

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Technické údaje

Specifikace - ReactIR 15  

Použití v
Optický rozsah (zákl. jednotka)
4000 – 650 cm-1
Požadavek na proplachování
Rozměry (VxŠxH)
274 mm x 180 mm x 249 mm
9 kg
USB 2.0
4 cm -1 maximum
Teplotní rozsah
19 °C – 25 °C
Optické okno sondy
2500-650 cm-1 maximum (Fiber Probe)
Vlhčené materiály
diamant a křemík
Tlak pro sondu (maximum)
69 bar (6,3 & 9,5mm Fiber)
107 bar (Sentinel)
Teplota pro sondu (maximum)
180°C (Fiber Probe)
200°C (Sentinel)

EMC Directive 2004/109/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/IEC
pH rozsah sondy
1-9 (silicon)
1-14 (diamant)



ReactIR Sampling Technology
ReactIR in-situ sampling technology assures usability in a wide range of batch and continuous reaction conditions.
iC IR Software Datasheet
Use spectroscopic data to increase chemical understanding and knowledge of the chemical process and associated critical parameters.
ConcIRT LIVE for iC Software
Use real time reaction information to characterize reaction performance through identifying and quantifying key reaction species.
iC Quant for iC Software
Predict actual concentrations of key reaction species, even in a complex mixture, in real time to understand reaction performance.
iC Kinetics
Kinetics software describes the characteristics of a chemical reaction. The kinetic model created by the software can be used to simulate the effect o...
ReactIR Instrument Performance Assurance (IPA) Module
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iC IR Software
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