
Análise cinética do progresso da reação (RPKA)

Uma metodologia poderosa para simplificar o estudo de reações orgânicas complexas

Visão geral do programa

  • Como a metodologia de Análise Cinética de Progresso de Reação (RPKA) simplifica os estudos cinéticos de reações orgânicas
  • RPKA e seus benefícios da análise cinética clássica
  • Acompanhar a conversão da reação ao longo do tempo é crucial para a análise cinética do progresso da reação

Reaction Progress Kinetic Analysis (RPKA) streamlines kinetic studies by exploiting the extensive data available from accurate in-situ monitoring of global reaction progress under “synthetically relevant” conditions, where the concentrations of two or more reactants are changing simultaneously – in fact, in the same manner that they are expected to change during practical synthesis. This contrasts with the classical approach to kinetics, which uses concentration ratios that are highly distorted, typically ca. 10 equivalents, in order to examine the order in each substrate’s concentration while holding the other constant. We have shown that the concentration dependences of two different substrates may be determined from far fewer reaction progress experiments compared to a classical kinetic approach. RPKA methodology is made straightforward for interpretation via the graphical manipulation of a mathematically determined minimum set of carefully designed experiments. One advantage of the RPKA approach is that vital kinetic information may be rapidly obtained and extracted even in earliest studies of a new reaction and may thus help inform the direction of both further reaction optimization and fundamental mechanistic investigation by other methods. The method requires little mathematical prowess and no specialized kinetic modeling techniques.

At its most basic level, the RPKA methodology consists of two sets of experiments, called “same excess” and “different excess” experiments. The “different excess” protocol provides information similar to that obtained in classical kinetic studies, that is, it gives the order in various reactant concentrations. The principal advantage of RPKA in this case is that this information is obtained from far fewer experiments than required for traditional kinetic analysis. However, it is in the “same excess” protocol that the RPKA methodology is most innovative, because here it provides not simply the same information more rapidly and with higher accuracy, but it extracts information about a working catalytic cycle that is difficult to obtain by any other means: “same excess” experiments help to differentiate a catalyst cycle that is operating at steady-state from one which is subject to temporal effects unrelated to the intrinsic reaction kinetics, such as catalyst activation or deactivation.

Additional kinetics resources.


Sobre o apresentador

Donna Blackmond, PhD

Donna Blackmond, PhD

Blackmond causou um grande impacto no campo da cinética química com sua pioneirismo na metodologia de Análise Cinética de Progresso de Reação (RPKA). O RPKA permite a determinação rápida das dependências de concentração do reagente, permitindo que medições in-situ sejam feitas e analisadas com o mínimo de experimentação. O objetivo desse tipo de análise é descobrir a força motriz por trás de uma reação e mapear possíveis caminhos de mecanismo. O RPKA se destaca por ser capaz de distinguir entre os processos de taxa que ocorrem no ciclo catalítico e aqueles que ocorrem fora do ciclo. Essa técnica versátil encontrou uma variedade de aplicações em diversas áreas, incluindo hidrogenação assimétrica, reações organocatalíticas assimétricas e reações catalisadas por paládio, como formação de ligações carbono-carbono e carbono-nitrogênio e reações competitivas catalisadas por metais-transições.