This library of laboratory expertise is a collaborative space which offers a wealth of free information and advice on a range of critical laboratory issues. The topics are carefully selected to support the daily activities of lab analysts and managers, and include issues such as electrostatic effects on weighing, USP compliance, calibration of balances, and sample preparation. In-depth knowledge and expert advice is shared in a helpful and easily accessible format, with basic introductory or advanced information available, including links to articles, white papers, webinars and videos on a specific topic. New topics are added regularly.
关于处理静电对称量影响的信息集。 称量技术的创新成果可检测和消除样品与容器上的静电电荷。
天平校准是确保称量结果准确的关键活动。 必须在校准证书中包含测量不确定度,否则该证书将无效。 必须使用基于风险的方法确定校准间隔 - 不准确的称量结果的负面影响越大,校准间隔越短。 如果根据客户工艺允差来执行校准结果的评估,则可改进称量过程并提高盈利能力。 贸易结算应用中使用的电子秤在节省材料方面有很大的潜力。 通过仔细甄选设备、专业安装和全面测试,可获得准...
Efficient Sample Preparation
Traditional sample prep is a labour-intensive manual task with high error-risk. New approaches and accessories make sample prep more accurate and efficient.
Cleaning Recommendations
A balance must be kept clean to protect users, prevent cross-contamination and comply with regulations. Cleaning can be quick and easy with appropriate methods and features.
ISO 9001:2015 — 对测量和称量过程的影响
与ISO 9001:2015相关的工具集,解释了变更内容及其对称量设备的影响。
概述了精益实验室的知识、信息和建议,可支持在实验室成功实施精益原则。 包括词汇表、检查清单、视频、指南、网上技术交流讲座和其他链接……