EasyMax PTFE Cover Set 100 mL Reactor

EasyMax PTFE Cover Set 100 mL Reactor

For the EasyMax 100 mL Two-Piece Reactors

Never have a broken cover again!

The EasyMax PTFE Reactor Cover is a robust alternative for the standard glass cover and optimal for reactors equipped with heavy inserts and probes, including:

Simply replace the glass cover with the PTFE cover.  The PTFE cover is applicable whether the 100 mL reactor is used in an EasyMax 102 or EasyMax 402 Reactor System.

 6-port PTFE cover set with standard tapered joins for 100 mL reactor6-port PTFE cover set with compression fittings, standard tapered joints for ParticleTrack and ReactIR6-port PTFE cover set with compression fittings, standard tapered joints and 19 mm bore for ParticleTrack, ParticleView V19 and ReactIR
MaterialCovers amd Adapters:  PTFEPTFEPTFE
Suited for100 mL Glass Reactor Set (51161708)
100 mL High Work-up Volume Reactor (30111634)
100 mL Glass Reactor Set for EasyMax 402 (30125690)
100 mL High Work-up Volume Set for EasyMax 402 (30111633)
100 mL Glass Reactor Set (51161708)
100 mL High Work-up Volume Reactor (30111634)
100 mL Glass Reactor Set for EasyMax 402 (30125690)
100 mL High Work-up Volume Set for EasyMax 402 (30111633)
100 mL Glass Reactor Set (51161708)
100 mL High Work-up Volume Reactor (30111634)
100 mL Glass Reactor Set for EasyMax 402 (30125690)
100 mL High Work-up Volume Set for EasyMax 402 (30111633)
PortsNumber:  6
Type:  1 x ST10/19, 3 x ST14/23, 2 x ST 19/26
Number:  6
Type:  1 x ST10, 2 x ST14, 2 x 1/2" NPT, center 3/8" NPT
Number:  6
Type:  1 x ST10, 2 x ST14, 1 x 1/2" NPT, 1 x 19.25 mm, center 3/8" NPT
Magnetic DriveMagnetic Drive for 50 mL Two-Piece Reactor (30213866)Magnetic Drive for 100 mL Two-Piece Reactor (30113924)Magnetic Drive for 100 mL Two-Piece Reactor (30113924)
Material Number511618003009054130090542

Specifiche - EasyMax PTFE Cover Set 100 mL Reactor

Numero(i) di materiale 51161800, 30090541, 300, 90542
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EasyMax PTFE Cover Set 100 mL Reactor
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