500 mL OptiMax 1-Piece Glass Reactor Set

500 mL OptiMax 1-Piece Glass Reactor Set

Meet Round Bottom Flask Requirements and Improve Lab Efficiency

Designed to meet round bottom flask requirements, the 500 mL OptiMax One-Piece Glass Reactor is compatible with all METTLER TOLEDO and standard lab glassware.

The reactor set includes all required parts.  The glass reactor is set-up quickly, easy-to-handle and improves the efficiency in the chemistry lab and research.


Specifiche - 500 mL OptiMax 1-Piece Glass Reactor Set

Numero(i) di materiale 51162835
Glass ReactorVmin: 70 mL
Vwork: 500 mL
Vnom: 700 mL
Temperature Range-40 °C to 180 °C
Pressure RangeVaccum to Ambient
Bottom Drain ValveNo
Suitable For CalorimetryNo
Openings2 x ST14/23, 4 x ST19/26, center ST24/29
MaterialBorosilicate Glass
StirrerGlass stirrer shaft with PTFE Half-Moon blade
Additional Accessories Included

Receptacle for 500 mL reactor
Reactor stand for 500 mL reactor
Baffle alloy C-22
Keck clamps

Schede tecniche

OptiMax Datasheet
Quickly deliver new chemical compounds, characterize the process, reduce failures, and ensure workflow and sustainability.


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500 mL OptiMax 1-Piece Glass Reactor Set
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