100 mL Glass Cover Sets For EasyMax

100 mL Glass Cover Sets For EasyMax

Glass covers and reactors are commonly used in research development laboratories in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.  Chemically-resistant material is easy-to-handle and transparent, allowing observation of changes in reactor conent.  The cover set supports the use of various probes, including:

The set has 6-ports, is designed for the 100 mL reactor and ready-to-use with all required parts included.


Specifiche - 100 mL Glass Cover Sets For EasyMax

Numero(i) di materiale 51161709
 6-port glass cover set with standard tapered joints for 100 mL reactor

Covers and stoppers:  Glass
Adapter for UNF port: PTFE, ETFE

Suited for100 mL Glass Reactor Sets
PortsNumber:  6
Type: 2 x ST10/9, 3 x ST14/23, center ST14/23
Magnetic DriveMagnetic drive for 100 mL 2-piece reactor set (30113925)
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100 mL Glass Cover Sets For EasyMax
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