RC1e Process Development Workstation - Prodotto fuori produzione

Get Your Process Right - First Time

  • Accurate temperature control along with strong exotherms
  • Precise control of all reaction parameters
  • Heat flow trending in real time
  • Wide operating range
  • Large portfolio of vessels and accessories

The Process Development Workstation ensures:

  • Process Parameters are optimized quickly and accurately
  • Processes are developed and tested under the safest working conditions possible
  • R&D expenses can be reduced
  • Better processes are developed faster

Non più disponibile da: Jul, 2016


Sostituito con: RC1e Process Safety Workstation

RC1e Process Safety Saves Lives and Money

  • Accurate thermodynamic information
  • Assessment of hazard potentials of chemical processes
  • Determination of safety runaway and critcality graphs
  • Evaluation of cooling failure scenarios

The RC1e Process Safety Workstation is a reaction calorimeter that ensures:

  • Thermodynamic and all complementary information are obtained quickly and easily during reaction calorimetry
  • All critical process safety parameters are determined reliably
  • Processes are tested under the safest working conditions possible during reaction calorimetry
  • Safety of commercial processes improve
  • Failures at scale are reduced

Thermostat and Reactor

  • Fast and accurate heating and cooling
  • Simple and reproducible Reaction Calorimetry
  • Intrinsically safe Reaction Calorimetry
  • Heat flow calorimetry for accurate thermodynamic data
  • Reactors for various volumes and pressures
  • Hardware and software optimized for hazard assessment
  • Operator has ideal protection against incidents

Variables and Control

  • Measurement and control of all process variables
  • Precise addition by weight or volume
  • pH measurement and control
  • Pressure control
  • PID control for special applications
  • Distillations and reactions under reflux with heat balancing
  • Seamless integration with any iC Software

iControl RC1 Software and Data Handling

  • Interactive process diagram
  • Direct and automated control
  • Reaction editor and chemistry table
  • Chemical database
  • Compelling data and trend display
  • Fast and easy data evaluation
  • Secure and traceable data storage

Documentazione - RC1e Process Development Workstation

Informazione Prodotto estesa

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Specifiche- RC1e Process Development Workstation