FlowIR Continuous Flow System - Prodotto fuori produzione

Flow Chemistry System for the Lab

The FlowIR™ system revolutionizes flow chemistry by providing chemists with real-time visibility into the precise chemical composition of their continuous flow reactor's output. It offers comprehensive structural information across a wide range of functional groups and chemistry, enhancing understanding and optimization of reactions.

With its compact design, the FlowIR™ system can be conveniently placed anywhere, making efficient use of limited space. The interchangeable FlowIR™ Sensors allow for quick and easy swapping of sensor types to meet specific application requirements. Unlike other systems, this user-friendly solution does not require liquid nitrogen for detector cooling or instrument purge, simplifying its operation for synthetic chemists while maintaining the high performance expected from ReactIR™ technology.

The FlowIR™ system brings numerous benefits to flow chemistry, including:

  1. Sub millimolar sensitivity, enabling accurate analysis across a broad concentration range.
  2. Versatile software that facilitates real-time monitoring of starting materials, products, and intermediates.
  3. Enhanced reaction understanding and optimization capabilities.
  4. Full spectral coverage with interchangeable diamond and silicon sensors.
  5. Enables stoichiometric reaction control, minimizing excess use of expensive materials and simplifying workup.
  6. Instant detection of process upsets, leading to improved product quality and reduced loss.
flowir continuous flow chemistry system

Non più disponibile da: Dec, 2019


Documentazione - FlowIR Continuous Flow System

Schede tecniche

ReactIR Sampling Technology
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iC IR Software Datasheet
Use spectroscopic data to increase chemical understanding and knowledge of the chemical process and associated critical parameters.
ConcIRT LIVE for iC Software
Use real time reaction information to characterize reaction performance through identifying and quantifying key reaction species.
iC Quant for iC Software
Predict actual concentrations of key reaction species, even in a complex mixture, in real time to understand reaction performance.
iC Kinetics
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ReactIR Instrument Performance Assurance (IPA) Module
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Software iC IR
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Specifiche- FlowIR Continuous Flow System

Specifiche - FlowIR Continuous Flow System
Numero(i) di materiale 14000003