
METTLER TOLEDO provides a wide range of solutions to determine a variety of calorimetric characteristics in research, development, quality, and safety laboratories.

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Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Materials Characterization

DSC is used to analyze polymers, thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, composite materials, adhesives, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

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Reaction Calorimetry
Process Characterization and Risk Assessment
by Reaction Calorimetry

Reliably measure heat transfer, specific heat and heat profiles to determine the thermal risks and the criticality of chemical processes.

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Identification and characterization of materials
From process development to materials research Quality control
Differential Scanning Calorimetry measures enthalpy changes in samples due to changes in their physical and chemical properties as a function of temperature or time.
The technique yields valuable information relating to processing and application conditions, quality defects, identification, stability, reactivity, chemical safety and the purity of materials.
Screening for scalability issues
Understanding the risk of a process. Transferring a process from lab to plant
Reaction Calorimetry measures the heat released from a chemical reaction and uncovers scalability issues related to heat and mass transfer, mixing or accumulation of reactants.
The comprehensive scale-up and process safety information obtained enables scientists to create robust processes to manufacture products safely and economically.
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