Free Reference Library Download

Select and download any Reference Library available for your software version.  

Prerequisite: Reference Library option in the STARe software.

For more information please see , while on the go


Application literature is available to downloading, to support your daily lab work. This includes the bi-annual application magazine:

Thermal Analysis UserComs,

an application database with more than 500 application examples:

Thermal Analysis Applications,

and industry specific handbooks:

Thermal Analysis Application Handbooks.

Training courses

Several options are readily available, where thermal analysis knowledge and experiences are shared with our customers. These include:
Web-based seminars

Thermal Analysis On Demand Webinars,

Technical "how to do" videos:

Videos for Thermal Analysis,

Self-training support tools:

Thermal Analysis Self-Learning Course and Thermal Analysis Tips and Hints,

Class-room training:

Thermal Analysis Training Courses,

or participate at a web-based training course:

Thermal Analysis e-Training.


Select the appropriate crucible type for your application, from the large range available at:

Thermal Analysis Crucibles


You can count on our factory trained service engineers. For more details on attractive service packages, please visit us at:

Thermal Analysis Service

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