Libro bianco

OSHA & NFPA Compliant

Libro bianco

Between March 11, 2008 and June 17, 2009, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) identified 3 662 violations during inspections at a wide variety of workplaces randomly cho­sen throughout the US.

The most fre­quently cited violations included: house­keeping, hazard communication, per­sonal protective equipment, and electrical and general duty clauses. In the United States alone, 30 000 factories have been identified by the OSHA as po­tentially at risk of a dust explosion. Outside the USA as well, local authorities are also meticulous in enforcing regula­tions without exceptions.

  • Would your plant pass an inspection by your local authorities?
  • How do you know your plant complies with the regulations?

Don't wait until your facility receives a surprise visit from local authorities or worse yet, for a catastrophic incident to occur. Take the proactive approach to addressing the "hazardous area advisory level" in your facility.