Datasheet: TMA Evaluation

Thermomechanical Analysis


Thermomechanical Analysis

Datasheet: TMA Evaluation
Datasheet: TMA Evaluation

In thermomechanical analysis (TMA), dimensional changes of a sample are measured as a function of temperature or time. The dilatometry mode determines changes in a sample’s length using a very small load (force). The deformation of a sample can also be recorded with a higher force (penetration) and under a dynamic load (DLTMA). Depending on the type of sample and the selected measurement program, the curve profile can be used to characterize material properties.


Features and Benefits

  • Glass transition evaluation – TMA specific Tg calculation
  • Coefficient of thermal expansion – CTE results as a curve and numerically in tabular form
  • Modulus determination by DLTMA – get elasticity information and accurate glass transition temperature


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