Datasheet: DMA Evaluation

Influence of Frequency on Materials


Influence of Frequency on Materials

Datasheet: DMA Evaluation
Datasheet: DMA Evaluation

In Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), mechanical and viscoelastic properties of materials are measured as a function a frequency and temperature. An understanding of the frequency dependence of the properties is therefore important for the use of materials. The DMA evaluation STARe software option unlocks powerful tools for a better insight into your materials.

DMA evaluation is required to perform and analyze the frequency-dependent DMA measurements. It is required for temperature scans at various frequencies. In particular, the software allows you to construct master curves from isothermal frequency scans.


Features and Benefits

  • Glass transition evaluation – for DMA-specific glass transition (Tg) determination
  • Multi-frequency measurements – to obtain curves for multiple frequencies from one single experiment
  • Master curve technique, also called time-temperature superpositioning (TTS) – allows characterization of physical properties beyond the instrument frequency range of 0.001 Hz to 1000 Hz


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