Brochure: Excellence Microscope Hot-Stages

Temperature Control and Heat Flow

Brochure di prodotto

Temperature Control and Heat Flow

Hot-stage microscopy is a powerful method which is widely used to visually examine all kinds of thermal transitions. In the HS82, samples are heated or cooled while they are observed under the microscope. The HS84 DSC hot-stage can even simultaneously measure heat flow.

Characteristics and advantages of the METTLER TOLEDO hot-stage systems:

  • One Click™ and unsurpassed ergonomics – easy to understand, simple to operate
  • Heating above and below the sample – reliable results thanks to outstanding temperature homogeneity
  • High sensitivity – visual behavior independent of heating or cooling rate
  • Interactive control using manual keys – gives the user manual temperature control
  • Real DSC (HS84) – facilitates temperature control, observation, and measuring of a DSC curve
  • Modern evaluation software – leads to the most accurate results as quickly as possible


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