09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
Veranstaltungsgebühr: kostenlos!
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Join us for an interactive day of presentation and hands on software sessions covering the combined use of data rich lab experimentation with software modelling and simulation to help accelerate chemical and process-development.
With presentations from our team of specialists as well as hands on software sessions this will be an ideal opportunity for those looking to learn about new approaches for:
o reaction kinetics modelling
o simulation of mixing, heat transfer
o other unit operations.
Our Workshop Day would be ideally suited to chemists and engineers looking to learn about new simulation tools for faster scale-up as well as reaction kinetics. In addition, for managers keen to get insights on how these workflows help drive efficiency and how they link with key business strategies such as digitalisation and sustainability.
Caroline Edwards
Technical Application Consultant
Steve Cropper
Market Manager