Fiche Technique

Datasheet: PlateDirect A96

Fiche Technique

Portable Absorbance Plate Reading

Datasheet: PlateDirect™ A96
Datasheet: PlateDirect™ A96

PlateDirect A96 features a robust, simplified, user-friendly plate reader and associated intuitive PC software that eliminates redundant features and moving parts. It provides everything needed to get ELISA, protein concentration, cell viability, or other absorbance measurements done while avoiding high capital, operational, and training costs.

The compact plate reader design means you can run assays anywhere, share the device with colleagues, and easily stow it away when you are done. Lab space is very efficiently used, contamination risks are minimized, and collaboration is effectively promoted.

PlateDirect A96’s optical setup provides excellent optical accuracy and repeatability over a wide usable absorption range in the visible spectral region. As each well is measured with a dedicated photodiode, the measurement of a 96-well plate only takes 15 seconds.